While this article does contain body cam footage, it doesn’t qualify for Body Cam Theater because no one was shot. But it’s still deserving of a look. A fat thug in Florida decided to drag something else along the pavement other than his knuckles, taking a female police officer for a short ride after being tased for refusing to obey her commands.
Bodycam footage shows Boynton Beach police officer being dragged by man’s car
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. – Body camera footage obtained Wednesday by Local 10 News shows the moment a Boynton Beach police officer was dragged by a man’s car during a traffic stop.
According to a Boynton Beach police report, the officer was on patrol Jan. 17 when she spotted a Cadillac with an expired tag and stopped the car.
Police said the officer gave the driver, later identified as Timothy Jones, 47, several commands for him to walk toward her and sit on the front of her patrol car, but he refused and kept putting his hands in his pockets, “looking around as if he were going to flee.”

After the officer deployed her Taser, Jones stumbled back into the driver’s seat, so the officer reached into the car and grabbed his keys to stop him from getting away, the video shows.
Although I’m extremely pissed off that this incident occurred, I take great delight in watching Jones’ pants slowly slide off his fat ass and down around his ankles when he gets tased. Comedy gold!
Police said Jones then pushed the officer, causing her to drop the keys, and he picked them up and started to drive away with the officer’s arm still inside the car.
In the video, it appears Jones is yelling “Help!” and the officer is screaming “Stop” as he drags her with his car.
Police said the officer was dragged about 350 feet along Ocean Parkway before she was able to free herself. She was treated for road rash at Bethesda Memorial Hospital.
Jones now faces multiple charges, including aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence.
As Ron Burgundy once said, “Well. That escalated quickly.” That’s just a tad more extreme than probably only being issued a traffic citation for an expired tag. Way to go, shithead.
But the thug’s brother, David Jones, apparent expert on stress reactions and how to safely deal with encounters with law enforcement says his sibling dindunuffin. I’ll try to translate his babble from the video as best as I can, I think he said, “He’s fearing [?] his life. So da’ best thing to do is to try to get away from dat scene. ‘Cause the next step is she shoot him.”

I think the purpose of that “durag” (or do-rag, or dew rag, I can’t find a definitive spelling for it) he’s wearing is to keep his brains from falling out of what must be an enormous hole in his head.
No, David. This is a perfect example of what NOT to do and why things sometimes turn out badly for you. He did everything wrong. The best thing for him to do would have been to comply with the officer’s requests, you dumb fuck.
David, you look to be fairly old. I’m amazed that you’ve managed to live as long as you have with the complete lack of common sense you seem to possess.
Tim Jones did just one thing correctly in this entire fiasco. He turned himself in, but only after he found out “authorities were looking for him.” Like you thought they wouldn’t be? So much stupidity in the Jones family. So much.