Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, it’s Wednesday and CNN still sucks.

The Media Have Done Irreparable Damage To The Country

Via The Federalist

For the past two years, a large swath of the media engaged in a mass act of self-deception and partisan groupthink. Perhaps it was Watergate envy, or bitterness over Donald Trump’s victory, or antagonism towards Republicans in general—or, most likely, a little bit of all the above. But now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has delivered his report on Russian collusion, it’s clear that political journalists did the bidding of those who wanted to delegitimize and overturn Trump’s election.

While bad behavior from partisan sources should be expected, the lack of skepticism from self-appointed unbiased journalists has been unprecedented. Any critical observer could see early on that Trump-era partisan newsroom culture had made journalists susceptible to the deception of those peddling expedient stories. Our weekly bouts of Russia hysteria all sprung from one predetermined outcome: the president was in bed with Vlad Putin.

The natural disposition of journalists—even opinion journalists—should be skepticism. Like him or not, the notion that the president of the United States, a wealthy showman who’s been in the limelight for decades, and ran one of the most chaotic major political organizations in history, had been secretly conspiring with Russia to steal a 50-state election should immediately have been deemed too good to be true by any decent journalist.

Yet once-respectable, if biased, mainstream outlets churned out one deceptive and faulty stories on the matter after the next. Even when corrected, these many debunked pieces helped foster an environment that allowed the Big Myth to fester.

Read the entire article HERE.

Meet The Michelle Obama Chief Of Staff Who Kept Jussie Out of Jail

Via Big League Politics

Former Michelle Obama chief of staff Tina Tchen has now been exposed as the person who intervened with Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx to convince the judge to drop charges against hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett, a close friend of the Obama family.

Tchen runs the Times Up Legal Defense Fund, as reported by nextshark. By January, the fund — which focuses on sexual harassment advocacy — had raised more than $14 million.

Disgraced hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett has longstanding ties to the Obamas.

Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx is pulling a favor for the Obamas by getting their “close friend” Jussie Smollett off with no charges. George Soros’ money largely helped put Foxx in office.

“If Fox wants to be D.A. or go any further, she’s going to have to kiss the Obamas’ ass,” our source in Chicago politics tells BLP.

Read the entire article HERE.

‘Collusion’ now exposed as nothing more than Trump haters’ opioid dream

Via The New York Post

America suffers from not one but two opiate crises. The first afflicts some 11 million of our fellow citizens: people who turn to powerful painkillers to cope with suffering and end up addicted. The second involves a narrow but more prominent slice of the population — the liberal media and pundit class.

“Collusion” is the opiate of choice for this elite. Popping the Collusion pill gives them the rush from a vivid dream of undoing the outcome of the 2016 election.

On Friday, the Justice Department dealt a brutal blow to this crowd with word that no further indictments would be coming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. On Sunday Attorney General William Barr sent Congress a summary of the Mueller report, which found no evidence of collusion. Mueller has ­effectively cut off the supply of liberals’ favorite drug. Collusion is no more.

Quitting cold turkey is painful, and you could hear the Trump haters crying and groaning on cable news through the weekend.

Read the entire article HERE.

Russiagate — a Bright, Shining Lie

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The instigators of this investigation, launched to bring down a president, have damaged and divided this nation, and they need to be exposed, as do their collaborators in the press.

“The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia … to influence the 2016 US presidential campaign.”

So stated Attorney General William Barr in his Sunday letter to Congress summarizing the principal findings of the Mueller report.

On the charge of collusion with Russia, not guilty on all counts.

After two years of hearing from haters in politics and the media that President Donald Trump was “Putin’s poodle,” an agent of the Kremlin, guilty of treason, an illegitimate president who would leave the White House in handcuffs and end his days in prison, we learn the truth.

It was all a bright, shining lie.

Read the entire article HERE.

College Campuses Have Become Breeding Grounds for Anti-Semitism

Via The Washington Free Beacon

In 2014, American filmmaker Ami Horowitz tried an experiment. He went to the University of California, Berkeley, and waved the Islamic State’s black flag while vocally supporting the terrorist group. Most people ignored Horowitz and walked past him, or they stared and remained silent. But one student gave the “ISIS supporter” a fist bump of approval. Another said “good luck.” More waved, smiled, and gave Horowitz a thumbs-up.

The only somewhat negative response was a student warning Horowitz, who was smoking, that campus police would cite him if he did not ditch the cigarette. Who says decorum is dead? When the filmmaker changed costumes and began waving an Israeli flag, however, all hell broke loose. “Israel is a thief in the night, and a thief in the day!” one man shouted. “Fuck Israel!” another cursed.

One person said the Israeli flag represents “psychological genocide of this planet.” “Tyranny isn’t cute” and “you’re killing kids” were among the other numerous insults hurled at Horowitz, who was guilty of supporting the world’s only Jewish state—apparently a great crime.

Horowitz’s experiment is no isolated incident; it is a microcosm of a much larger and disturbing trend: the entrenchment of anti-Israel hostility on college campuses across the United States.

Read the entire article HERE.

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