Why Are The Democrats Embracing Jew-Haters? Open Thread

There is no longer any way to dispute that today’s Democratic party has embraced anti-Semitism to go along with socialism, both of which would have been relegated to the fringes or at least not openly promoted only a few short years ago.

But the psychotic fracture with reality brought on by the 2016 election has driven the entire party – as well as millions of Americans – into hatred and madness and with each passing day that they are allowed to continue unchecked, we slide closer to the conditions that brought about some of the most murderous and despotic governments in human history.

In their desperation to avenge Hillary and regain power, the Dems have allowed virulent Jew haters the likes of freshmen Reps Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib (among others) to assume prominent roles despite their dubious histories.

Omar in particular, a Somali refugee who won a district in Minneapolis (aka Little Somalia) has been promoted as the poster child for their diversity, they even changed House rules to allow her to appear in Congress with her Muslim headdress.

This is a woman who has long railed against Jews and Israel, embraced Brazen anti-Semites who have called for the killing of Jews and who deny Israel’s right to exist and yet Nancy Pelosi installed this inexperienced Jew-hating kook on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

This weekend Omar went a bridge too far when she extended her Jew-hating to the powerful Israeli lobby by attacking the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which is an institution that enjoys widespread bipartisan support and this finally resulted in her choke chain being yanked on by Pelosi and House Dems who condemned her statements and extracted an insincere apology.

However, her stance earned her a defense from notorious Hitler sympathizer and KKK grand wizard David Duke who has much in common with Democrats.

But Omar remains a force and is a member of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s posse along with Tlaib who it is now known, wrote for anti-Semitic hatemonger Louis Farrakhan’s Nation Of Islam website.

And Omar continues to cozy up to terrorist apologists.

Not to mention that a number of prominent Democrats – particular the Congressional Black Caucus – have a fondness for Farrakhan.

Then there’s the anti-Semitic Women’s march as well.

There is no turning back either despite the slap on the wrist with a wet noodle administered to Omar, this is a party that continues to embrace all of the traits of the Nazis and God forbid if they ever get enough political power to build the camps.

So what say ye Deplorables?