Do Democrats Care That An Illegal Immigrant Killed This Woman?

It’s unclear how many Americans must be raped and murdered by illegal immigrants before democrats start taking immigration enforcement and border security seriously. My guess is they rely too heavily on illegal immigrant votes to ever address the issues in any kind of real way. Yet another woman was killed by someone who shouldn’t have been in this country and the democrats are scrambling to find ways to make things easier for illegal immigrants.

Fox News reports that 24-year-old Valerie Reyes was reported missing on January 30 when she failed to show up to work. her mother told authorities that her daughter had feared someone was going to kill her, though the mother didn’t know who this mystery person was. A few days later construction workers Reyes’ body stuffed in a suitcase near a road in Greenwich, CT.

Authorities zeroes on Reyes’ ex-boyfriend, 24-year-old Javier Enrique Da Silva Rojas, who had been using her ATM card after her disappearance. He was arrested and quickly confessed, sort of. According to Rojas, Reyes died when she hit her head on the floor during sex. Rojas did what anyone in the same situation would do: he taped Reyes’ mouth shut, bound her hands and legs, and stuffed her into a big red suitcase, which he dumped by the side of the road.

Clearly this scumbag is lying and he was arrested and charged with kidnapping resulting in death. What that probably means is that Reyes wasn’t dead when she was bound and put in the suitcase, making this much more terrible.

Since I already tipped you off, it’s not a huge surprise that Rojas is an illegal immigrant:

“Javier Enrique Da Silva Rojas, a citizen of Portugal, entered the U.S. May 8, 2017, through the Visa Waiver Program; however, he failed to leave the United States within the required timeframe,” the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told Fox News in a statement. “He was arrested by federal authorities on felony kidnapping charges Feb. 12 and is currently in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) pending criminal proceedings. ICE lodged a detainer with USMS Feb. 13. Pursuant to the detainer, ICE will aim to take custody of Da Silva for immediate removal when he is released from criminal custody.”

Now here’s where it gets complicated: Reyes’ body was found in Connecticut, but the initial crime probably happened in New York and Rojas was arrested in New York. As you know, New York is a sanctuary state that refuses to cooperate with federal immigration officials. There’s no indication that this ICE detainer will ever be honored by New York.

Maybe it doesn’t matter because Rojas is facing a possible death senate for this crime, but then again liberal-ass New York could just as easily let this shitbag out of jail. Prosecutors could reduce charges, offer a plea deal, or a liberal judge could actually spring this motherf*cker on bail. There’s never a guarantee that a criminal will face justice in a liberal enclave like NY and the fact that he’s an illegal immigrant, NY’s preferred type of person, means they are working on his behalf.

If someone is killed by a criminal using an illegally obtained firearm, democrats freakout and try to pass laws that would deny law-abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment rights. When an illegal immigrant kills an American citizen, democrats pretend like it never happened and go about their business of opening our borders further to secure their future support.

To answer the question: do democrats care that an illegal immigrant killed this woman? Not really, but they would prefer if the media would stop reporting on the immigration status of killers like this because it reflects badly on their pro-illegal immigration agenda.