Illegal Immigrant Attacks Border Patrol Agent With Lawnmower

In the film Machete, Mexican landscapers are part of a secret revolutionary force who can convert their garden tools into weapons to attack the evil gringos. In a case of life imitating art, a Mexican illegal immigrant attacked a Border Patrol agent with a lawnmower. More specifically a lawnmower blade. Way to dispel those stereotypes, homes. This is like a black guy going after a cop with a bucket of fried chicken.

Brietbart reports that 33-year-old Josue Gomez-Reyes (not pictured), a known gang member, came up with the worst possible scheme for sneaking into the US. While a Border Patrol unit was patrolling a stretch of fence in Calexico, CA they spotted Reyes walking casually. He didn’t run and he didn’t try to hide. Instead he walked right up to the BP vehicle and shouted “f*ck you.” It’s unclear if this was in English or Spanish, but that probably doesn’t matter.

After shouting the obscenity, Reyes threw a lawnmower blade through the side window of the BP vehicle. The glass shattered and one agent received minor injuries. With that, Reyes took off running and was quickly apprehended.

Here’s some more zaniness from this story:

Gomez-Reyes allegedly told the FBI agent that he knew the victim was a Border Patrol agent and that he intended to cause her injury. He said he chose the hunk of steel instead of a rock because “he thought it would be more effective.” He also said that he illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico on March 3 with the intent of being arrested and sent to prison, according to the complaint.

No, he chose the lawnmower blade because it was culturally appropriate and all he knows. I guess he could have used a piñata fill with rocks, but that’s probably too heavy and bulky to haul over the border fence.

“It is unacceptable for our Border Patrol agents to come under such a violent attack, but I am extremely proud of the quick determination of our agent to give chase and arrest her attacker. Our agent was ambushed while faithfully carrying out her sworn duties as a law enforcement officer by a gang member with a lengthy criminal history here in the United States. Anytime a person chooses to attack a Border Patrol agent, they will know that they are going up against a highly trained professional and that once arrested they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” said Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez.

If this piece of shit was trying to get caught so he could go to prison in the US, chances are he’s doing so to conduct gang business behind bars. Breitbart identified his tattoos from the mug shot as being associated with the Surenos gang. Just to be funny, the feds should house this guy with LGBT and transgender inmates.

The only question I have about this story is: why can’t Border Patrol agents just shoot these motherf*ckers? Illegal immigrants attack agents all the time and sometimes even kill them. If these scumbags want to throw rocks or chuck lawnmower blades, BP should be able to return fire. It sure as shit would save this country a lot of money prosecuting and jailing these assholes, plus it would guarantee that they never get released into the US by a liberal activist judge.

Remember how liberals freaked out and called Donald Trump a racist because he characterized some illegal immigrants from Mexico as criminals? How could you forget, they’ve been repeating this insanity for the past 3 years. Well, here is an illegal immigrant from Mexico who is definitely a criminal and he’s even a walking stereotype, wielding a lawnmower blade to attack Border Patrol agents.