Nancy Pelosi Threatens Gun Control National Emergency

Like Nancy Pelosi wasn’t already doing a good job of getting people to never vote for a democrat, she threatened that a democratic president could declare a gun control national emergency, which presumably would be a massive government firearms confiscation. This was in reaction to news that President Trump will declare a national emergency to get the border wall that Pelosi and the democrats refuse to fund. Making Pelosi an extra-shitty person, she thinks protecting our country’s border is the same thing as taking away all privately own firearms.

Senate Majority Leader mitch McConnell announced today that President Trump will sign a spending bill that doesn’t include funding for a border wall and then declare a national emergency to get it built.

“I had an opportunity to speak with President Trump and he, I would say to all my colleagues, has indicated he’s prepared to sign the bill. He also [will] be issuing a national emergency declaration at the same time. I indicated I’m going to support the national emergency declaration,” said McConnell.

Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to this news was to issue some threats. First she suggested that the democrats will challenge Trump’s emergency declaration in court and then she threatened a future gun confiscation:

“If the president can declare an emergency on something he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think about what a president with different values can present to the American people,” said Pelosi.

I know that she said a president with values, but what she actually meant was a democrat. She then referenced the anniversary of the Parkland high school shooting and said “gun violence” is the real national emergency.

“That’s a national emergency. Why don’t you declare that a emergency Mr. President? I wish you would. But a Democratic president can do that. A Democratic president can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said.

There you have it: the Speaker of the House is threatening that if a democrat ever gets in the White House again, we can expect a declared national emergency over “gun violence.” What exactly would that mean? Trump’s border crisis emergency is to secure our border and keep illegal invaders out. A gun control national emergency would absolutely be an order to remove guns from private hands. What else could it possibly be?

In making this absurd statement Pelosi obviously feels that border security and gun confiscation are equal, though at different ends of the ideological spectrum, which is why she is a dangerous idiot. In declaring a national emergency Trump is simply finding a way to fund a vital national security project. It doesn’t infringe on anyone’s rights and it makes the country safer. By declaring a gun violence emergency and consficating all civilian firearms, millions of people’s rights would be violated and every single American would become much less safe.

And the thing is, presidents have the authority to declare national emergencies but that doesn’t make the Constitution go away. A president can’t simply decide he wants to take away everyone’s guns in the name of national security. If that were remotely possible Obama would have done it and obviously he didn’t.

What Pelosi is really saying here is that she is so against securing our borders against foreign invaders that she wants to retaliate by stripping all Americans of their Constitutionally protected rights. It’s hard to imagine anyone, let alone a representative of the people, could be this f*cked in the head, but here we are.