Elizabeth Warren To Decriminalize Black Crime And Disarm Police

Unlike most of her 2020 democratic counterparts, Elizabeth Warren has released many specific policies she intends to pursue if elected president. That doesn’t mean any of this stuff is good, and in reality these policies should hurt her chances. Her gun control policy is to disarm the American people and rip up the 2nd Amendment. She recently released her “justice reform” policy which would decriminalize most crimes committed by black people and disarm the police. No guns for cops or Americans and black criminals are above the law? What could possibly go wrong?

Warren’s justice reform policy lays out the problem as she sees it:

Simply put, we have criminalized too many things. We send too many people to jail. We keep them there for too long.

But it’s not all people “we” send to jail for too long, but a specific type of person:

To make matters worse, the evidence is clear that there are structural race problems in this system. Latinx adults are three times more likely to be incarcerated than whites. For the exact same crimes, Black Americans are more likely than whites to be arrested, charged, wrongfully convicted, and given harsher sentences. One in ten Black children has an incarcerated parent.

Hold on a second, can we go back to that last line? If a black people commit the “exact same crimes” as white people, how is that the black people are wrongfully convicted of those crimes they have committed? As it turns out, Warren has an answer to that bullshit and it involves decriminalizing black crime.

Her plan includes:

No more arresting black students from crimes they commit on school grounds, plus removing and/or disarming school resource officers. I wonder if any potential mass shooters are reading this.

Reduce gun violence in the black community by not arresting or prosecuting black people for gun crimes and instead putting them in “diversion” programs.

Stop arresting “crazy” black people who commit crimes, and taking away law enforcement’s option to us deadly force on armed mentally ill minorities.

No more drug arrests in the black community. Period.

No arrests for crimes committed by minorities if they are homeless, plus they get a free home courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

Black people no longer have to pay any fines they incur for traffic violations or being public nuisances. This includes public defection, indecent exposure, and simple assault.

On the off-chance a minority is arrested, no worries, because Warren will eliminate cash bail and they can be back out on the street in no time.

This is already bad, but Warren makes it worse when she identifies police officers as the real problem with our justice system:

…we also know that many people of color, including Native Americans, disproportionately experience trauma at the hands of law enforcement, sometimes with life-altering consequences. On average, three people are shot and killed by the police every day, a disproportionate number of them young and Black. Others are arrested and entered into a system that unduly penalizes even minor infractions.

And the way she intends to fix the police problem is by taking away all of the tools officers use to make our streets safer. Cops wouldn’t be allowed to question suspects or use appropriate force to save their own lives from violent criminals. Also, they get disarmed:

Demilitarize local law enforcement.

As President, I will eliminate the transfer of military-grade weapons and lethal equipment to local police via the 1033 program, prohibit local law enforcement from buying military equipment with federal funding, and create a buy-back program for equipment already in use in our communities.

Keep in mind that Warren, like all liberals, believes that a good guy with a handgun is incapable of taking out a maniac with an “assault weapon” so what she’s really saying with the ridiculous plan is that she wants mass shooters to unstoppable and would like to see more dead law enforcement officers.

Elizabeth Warren believes that if we stop putting black criminals in jail, while disarming the police and the people that this country will be safer. She also believed that she was an Indian princess, so it’s possible she’s not tethered to reality in any meaningful way.