Take That Damn Cows! AOC Stars In Hilarious New Parody Video

Socialist sweetheart Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is firmly in command of the Democrat clown car and thanks to her ditzy duncehood and boneheaded ideology, that vehicle is careening toward the end of the cliff.

It’s been a hell of a last two weeks for AOC. First, there was the botched rollout of the Green New Deal and the publication of a document to her website that called for eliminating airplanes, gasoline-fueled cars, the rebuilding of every building in the country within ten years and giving free money to leeches “unwilling” to work.

But much of the mockery came from the document’s caveat that “farting cows” may not be able to be done away with within a decade, leading to so much ridicule that Team AOC quickly scrubbed it from her website.

Then she nearly singlehandedly killed the deal with online retail colossus Amazon which was to have opened a second headquarters in New York City and brought tens of thousands of new jobs, infrastructure improvements and prestige to the city.

Rather than be extorted by bullying socialist nitwits, Jeff Bezos told Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow revolutionaries to pound sand and shelved plans to locate in such a hostile environment.

But it’s the farting cows that will forever haunt her and pro-Trump meme king Carpe Donktum has just released a real knee-slapper that savagely mocks the 29-year-old amateur who is akin to a bull in a China shop.


Entitled “Oh Comrade Where Art Thou?” Carpe Donktum has borrowed from the 2000 Coen Brothers comedy “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?” starring Hollywood ultra-liberal George Clooney as Ulysses Everett McGill, a depression era convict who escapes from a chain gang along with his two cohorts

In the video, Clooney stays the same but his fellow jailbirds Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) and Pete (John Turturro), have been replaced by Democrat leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and the results are epic.