Kirsten Gillibrand Pushes For Federal Recognition Of Third Gender

Come on in, the water in the crazy pool is fine and getting warmer as more Democrats jump into the 2020 presidential race with everyone trying to outdo the others in terms of radicalism.

She has almost zero chance at emerging from the crab barrel with the nomination in her clutches but the ambitious junior senator from New York continues to move to the extreme left out of the slim hope that she can survive the upcoming demolition derby.

Kirsten Gillibrand was one of the first major Dems to call for the eradication of ICE back when it was viewed as a radical idea but as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the ideological leader of the headless zombie party, it has now been mainstreamed.

Never underestimate Gillibrand’s ruthless ambition.

She was the one who shanked her college Al Franken in the back after multiple women accused the former Saturday Night Live star of groping them (or sticking his “slimy tongue” into their mouth) which President Trump pointed out that she was just the type who would “do anything” if it benefitted her politically.

Gillibrand’s latest?

How about a push for the federal government to put its seal of approval on transgenderism (who many believe is a mental illness) by formally recognizing a third gender.


Via, “Gillibrand backs federal classification of third gender: report”:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) reportedly said she would support for federal recognition of a third gender Friday at a campaign event in New Hampshire.

The senator, who is running for president in 2020, told a room of LGBTQ activists that she would support a third designation of “X” at the federal level for those not identifying as a man or woman, according to CBS News.

“Yes,” Gillibrand said when asked if she would support such a designation at the federal level, according to CBS, which noted that she received applause from activists for her quick answer.

A request for comment from Gillibrand’s 2020 campaign was not immediately returned. Gillibrand has staked herself out as a progressive on gender in recent months, and last week introduced a bill that would allow transgender Americans to serve in the military following the Supreme Court’s decision last month to allow the Trump administration’s ban on transgender service members to be enforced.

“President Trump’s ban on transgender service members is discrimination, it undermines our military readiness, and it is an insult to the brave and patriotic transgender Americans who choose to serve in our military,” Gillibrand, who sits on the Senate Armed Service Committee, said earlier this month.

It’s only a start though because once that third gender is acknowledged, there are thousands of variations screaming for special treatment too.

And you can bet that Gillibrand will be pandering to ALL of them.