New Ad Blasts Elizabeth Warren Over Support Of Shady Indian Casino

Where she not such a shrieking moonbat, one might be tempted to at least grudgingly admire Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren’s persistence after her claims of Native American heritage to further her academic and professional career have been debunked.

It’s all been downhill for the woman who is fondly referred to as “Pocahontas” by President Trump in a dig at her fraudulent abuse or her heritage to cheat those who are deserving out of special status and thanks to her dishonesty, she has become a mockery over her lying.

During her Massachusetts reelection campaign, opponent Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai who was born in India ran on the slogan that “Only A REAL Indian Can Beat A Fake Indian” and thanks to Warren’s dishonesty as well as a disastrous DNA test that put her Indian bloodline at 1/1,024, she has been fair game to opponents seeking to scalp her with hard-hitting ads mocking her.

Like this one:

Via The Washington Examiner, “Warren hit with ‘Fauxcahontas’ ads in New Hampshire”:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s bid to make peace with her history of claiming Native American heritage has run into a big hurdle in New Hampshire where she is facing an ad campaign attacking her efforts to help a tribe build a gambling casino.

The ads, placed with the New Hampshire Journal, show Warren in a Native American headdress beside the phrase, “Fauxcahontas Casino.”

The ads, put in the Journal’s daily newsletter, demand, “Stop Elizabeth Warren’s Casino Plan.”

That the spot is airing in New Hampshire doesn’t bode well for Princess Shrieking Moonbat as it will once again be one of the first primaries next year and despite the state’s minuscule population, the political establishment and media have placed a disproportionate amount of importance on it – just like Iowa.

In another sign that the thin-skinned fake Indian is starting to crack under pressure, check out her response to a heckler during a political event in Georgia:

Not a good sign for Fauxanontas in the early days of what will be a grueling campaign against a rat pack of vile opponents determined to destroy everyone in their path on the way to the 2020 Democrat nomination.

The campaign trail is going to be Warren’s own personal trail of tears if this is any indication of what’s to come.