Young Thug Does Kaepernick Imitation in Classroom, Then Acts Out and Gets Arrested

The Root shoveled the following horseshit this morning:

11-Year-Old Boy Arrested for Refusing to Recite ‘Racist’ Pledge of Allegiance

An 11-year-old boy was arrested at school for refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, in addition to being disruptive and refusing to leave his classroom.

Even that headline is wrong. Then only one sentence into the article and the the fake news is restated . He wasn’t arrested for refusing to recite the Pledge, he was arrested for disrupting a school function and resisting arrest. A source I deem as much more credible than The Root, WCTV, reported that, “According to the arrest report, the child initially refused to leave but eventually relented. The report says the boy cried and screamed, “I’m going to beat that teacher,” and “I’m going to get all of you fired.” And, “The student was charged with disrupting a school function and resisting an officer without violence, which are misdemeanors.”

Nowhere was it stated he was arrested for refusing to say the Pledge. In fact, it would have been impossible for that to happen because as shitty a thing to do as that is, it’s not a crime. states, “In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court held in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, that forcing a student to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, then punishing them if they did not, violated First Amendment rights to free speech and the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

He was arrested because he acted like the little thuglet he is AFTER refusing to say the Pledge. According to, “Polk County Public Schools spokesman Kyle Kennedy said the arrest came after the boy became “disruptive and (refused) to follow repeated instructions by school staff and law enforcement,” reports said.

Kennedy said the middle schooler was not arrested for not participating in the pledge.”

WAFF48 adds, “According to the arrest affidavit, the student was arrested because he refused to follow multiple commands, repeatedly called school leaders racist and was disruptive.”

See what had happened was… Yahoo Lifestyle has the scoop:

“On February 4th, the 11-year-old student at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy in Lakeland, Fla., was asked, along with his classmates, to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, according to Bay News 9. Instead, the boy told his substitute teacher that the American flag is racist against black people.

The racist indoctrination began early with this one. Only eleven and already he’s playing the “poor me, I’m a victim” game. He may not be willing to recite the Pledge, but he’s exceptional at reciting the racial bullshit that I’m assuming his parents/parent taught him.

The teacher recapped everything in a handwritten statement to the district. “Why if it was so bad here he did not go to another place to live,” she reportedly told him, and the boy responded, “They brought me here.”

I can’t be certain, perhaps “they” are his parents, but he doesn’t appear to have a father (I know you’re all shocked about that) as he isn’t mentioned in this or any other article I can find about the incident. So one can only assume that “they” is referring to white slave traders. As he is only eleven and slavery has been illegal here for a very long time, that’s impossible.

She said, “Well you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba and the day I feel I’m not welcome here anymore I would find another place to live.” She added, “Then I had to call the office because I did not want to continue dealing with him.”

Shoutout to his substitute teacher for handling that situation completely wrong. Because if you want to dip, more power to you. But never tell a black person—whose ancestors built “the best country in the world” for free.99—to “go back” as a consequence for addressing equitable treatment. That’s not how this shit works.

I don’t know what “if you want to dip” means, but blacks built this country? Really? Pundit Fact reports, “In the big picture, the 1860 Census counted a total of 31,443,321 people, of which 3,953,760 were slaves. So slaves accounted for 12.6 percent of the national population.” I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but twelve percent serving mostly as farmhands did not build this country.

“The Lakeland Police Department tells Yahoo Lifestyle it cannot release public records on a juvenile misdemeanor arrest. Bay News 9 reports the boy was apprehended by a school resource officer because he wouldn’t follow directions, threatened the teacher with violence, and said the officer and the principal should be fired.

“I’m upset, I’m angry. I’m hurt. More so for my son,” mom Dhakira Talbot told Bay News 9. “My son has never been through anything like this. I feel like this should’ve been handled differently. If any disciplinary action should’ve been taken, it should’ve been with the school. He shouldn’t have been arrested.” The boy told Bay News 9 that he never threatened the teacher.

In other words, “He dindunuffin’!”

“I want the charges dropped and I want the school to be held accountable for what happened because it shouldn’t have been handled the way it was handled,” Talbot told the station. She is reportedly working with the non-profit company the Poor and Minority Justice Association.”

Dhakira Talbot! It’s your turn to play Ghetto Lotto!

I have a better idea. Why don’t you spend less time shoveling pork chops into your gaping hippopotamus-like maw and more time teaching your son how not to be an insufferable little prick?

Of particular note, a public relations specialist for Polk County Public Schools told Yahoo Lifestyle that students aren’t even required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the substitute teacher in question is no longer welcome at any of their schools. The district handbook explicitly states that kids can opt out “upon written authorization from parent.”

Yet nowhere does anyone state that this little creep had such authorization. As indignant as momma hippo is, if she had given that authorization, that would have been the first thing out of her mouth.

“A student at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy was arrested after becoming disruptive and refusing to follow repeated instructions of school staff and law enforcement,” said the specialist. “This incident followed the daily Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom. Unfortunately, a substitute teacher was not aware of this. We are looking into this matter, but this individual will no longer be allowed to substitute at any of our schools. Our HR department will contact Kelly Services (which provides our substitutes) to further refine how our substitutes are trained.”

Meanwhile, his mother is understandably pissed.

I, however, am not understanding it. Refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance aside, there is never an excuse for threatening to beat a teacher.

“She was wrong. She was way out of place,” Talbot told Bay 9 News. “If she felt like there was an issue with my son not standing for the flag, she should’ve resolved that in a way different manner than she did.”

And your son should have behaved in a different manner than he did. In the end I don’t believe for one minute that this punk is some kind of righteous social justice warrior. The key fact in all of this is that this was a substitute teacher.

Kids love to test a substitute’s authority. I’m willing to bet that when this snot’s regular teacher was present he never refused to stand. Indeed, nowhere in any article that I’ve found does it state that this was the student’s normal behavior. I would think that mom would have mentioned that if it was the case. “But my dindu never stands for the Pledge! He never got in trouble before!” See what I mean?

My thought is that this kid saw a substitute and decided to try and get one over on her. Things didn’t go his way so he began acting like the thug he’ll probably turn out to be, and he suffered the consequences.

That’s all that happened here.