Another day, another dead thug and more of the misguided outrage that always follows. In this particular situation the outrage stems mostly from how many times police shot the thug which was about 25 times. This episode wasn’t actually filmed with a body cam, but rather by a bystander with a cell phone. Police haven’t released any body cam footage of this shooting yet, but they will soon because they have to according to California law, and that promises to be awesome. So consider this a trailer for the feature length film we will hopefully see very soon. And while we don’t get to see the thug actually die in this video, I found the audio to be quite enjoyable.
California rapper, 20, killed by cops after sleeping in his car outside a Taco Bell was ‘shot 25 times – including through the throat and face and had part of his ear blown off’
The aspiring California rapper killed by police after taking a nap in his car at the drive-thru of a Taco Bell was shot around 25 times and had his ear partially blown off, his attorney claims.
Shocking video footage emerged in the aftermath of Willie McCoy’s death showing cops surrounding his car before opening fire.

It has now been revealed that the 20-year-old was hit in the throat, face, shoulders, chest and arms.
Images showed his windshield sprayed with bullet holes in the incident involving six law enforcement officers after staff called police around 10.30pm reporting the sleeping man who had his engine running.

‘Overkill is an understatement,’ his family attorney Melissa Nold told NBC.
Meh. There is no such thing. It’s a gunfight. You shoot until the threat is neutralized. In addition, there were six officers involved. If all six fired that’s only about 4 rounds each, which is not excessive at all.
McCoy’s cousin, David Harrison, shared a video on Facebook following the shooting.
‘You can’t just keep killing us in the street like this,’ Harrison said. ‘My cousin was asleep in the car and they shot him … 20… times.’
He wasn’t shot for sleeping. He was shot for reaching for a gun. And I beg to differ about his first statement. Police can, and indeed should, keep “killing people in the streets” if said people continue doing things like McCoy allegedly did.
A coroner’s report has not been released.
Vallejo Police Officers declined to comment while the investigation is active.
McCoy, who is [was] in the rap group FBG, had fallen asleep at the wheel of his car and was slumped over with a weapon on his lap.
Staff called police who surrounded the vehicle while he was still unresponsive.
Police say that after they had blocked his car in, McCoy suddenly woke up and reached for a gun placed on his lap, causing them to fear for their lives.
A hail of bullets rang out while other drivers waited nearby.
Sorry folks. The drive-thru will be closed until we get this mangy corpse out of the way.
One filmed the incident in which law enforcement officers are said to have opened fire in only four seconds.
What four seconds has to do with the price of tea in China, I have no idea. So what? That’s probably how long it took before thug boy reached for his gun.
Anyway, here it is. The trailer for “It’s Raining Lead!”
Seconds before opening fire, a cop can be heard yelling at McCoy but his remarks are not audible in the footage.
BS. I clearly heard him yell, “Get you hands up! Hands up! Get your hands up!”
After the gunfire stopped, there was more yelling as the officers shouted repeatedly for the rapper to put his hands up.
I’m guessing at that point it was pretty difficult to comply.
Shortly afterwards, they had to reach into the Mercedes to unlock it. McCoy was pulled out unconscious and was later pronounced dead at the scene.
Law enforcement said they considered reaching into the vehicle to remove the weapon before he woke but mentioned the locked door preventing them.
Attorney Nold questioned the decision because McCoy had a broken side window that was simply covered with plastic and could have easily been removed.
And had that been attempted, the officer would have been taking the chance of waking the armed thug and having to get to the weapon all the way from the passenger’s side of the vehicle. No thanks. I bet attorney Nold wouldn’t have the balls to attempt such a move.
Police said they gave McCoy ‘several commands to put his hands up’.
Which can clearly be heard in the video.
Speaking about the moment after the rapper was fatally injured, cops stated they then gave him CPR.
They stated: ‘Officers continued to yell commands at the driver and ultimately reached through the broken glass of the driver’s window to unlock the vehicle.’
Nold criticized the way the incident was handled and said the cops had an obligation to ‘avoid use of deadly force’.
She hypothetically asked what if McCoy had been experiencing a medical emergency at the time and needed help?
McCoy’s family said he was not threatening the cops.
I guess they possess some sort of magical crystal ball because how would they know? They weren’t there. Oh, how stupid of me! He was a Dindu! Of course!
‘Willie was a good person he didn’t deserve that,’ his cousin, Levonte Cole, told KTVU. ‘I have no words for Vallejo police. They’re supposed to protect and serve. They’re not supposed to shoot to kill.’
Then why would such a good boy be in possession of this?
Police said a fully loaded 0.40 caliber semiautomatic handgun with extended magazine found at the scene was stolen from Oregon.
Another example of the impotence of California’s stringent gun laws. How in the world did he get that extended magazine? They’re illegal in California!
The six officers involved in the shooting have not been identified but all have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation.
*Since this article was written, they have been identified. And the media is trying to make an issue about one of the officers. The Mercury News reports that, “Of the officers, at least one, [Ryan] McMahon, has been involved in a prior fatal shooting and is the defendant in a related federal suit. On February 13, 2018 — almost exactly a year before McCoy was killed — McMahon shot and killed Ronnell Foster, 33, during a traffic stop.
According to police, Foster was riding a bicycle near Florida and Marin Streets, when McMahon pulled him over. Foster allegedly ran away and the two engaged in a violent confrontation.
Police said McMahon used a stun gun on Foster, but it was ineffective, and he shot Foster after Foster took his flashlight and exhibited it in a “threatening manner.” Last March, Foster’s family sued Vallejo police in federal court. The suit is ongoing.”
Foster is being portrayed in the lawsuit as another family loving Dindu, but he was far from it. He had been arrested 18 times and sent to prison in 2006. And for even more dirt on this unsavory character click here. But now back to the original story . . .
It is not yet clear if he had any drugs or alcohol in his system at the time of the incident that may have caused him to pass out.
I’m guessing that’s a big yes, but that’s just a guess. But everyone’s favorite race baiting asshole, Shaun King disagrees with me. Looking into the same crystal ball that the dead thug’s family has, he says the poor little fella was just plum tuckered out. Look at how he spins this:
“Willie McCoy, a young Black man, was so exhausted from the day that he pulled his car over into a Taco Bell parking lot, and fell asleep. Listen, sometimes the days are long and exhausting, and taking a short nap in your car is actually the safest thing you can do. It’s definitely safer than falling asleep at the wheel while you are driving.”
How moronic is that? He didn’t pull into the parking lot to take a nap, you lying shithead. He was in the drive-thru! You don’t pull into a drive-thru lane to take a nap! And the engine was still running! Regardless of whether he passed out or just fell asleep, I can assure you he wasn’t being a responsible citizen just “taking a short nap” in the fucking drive-thru. Give me a break.
And you know what’s also safer than falling asleep at the wheel? Not reaching for a stolen gun that’s sitting on your lap when police tell you to put your hands up.
I hope you enjoyed the trailer. Keep your eyes and ears open for the body cam footage. Oops! Did I say ear? Sorry, Willie. 😉