It’s too bad that this wasn’t discovered earlier it might have dissuaded Jussie Smollett from concocting his own fake hate crime. Maybe he would have learned that hate hoaxes aren’t a good idea and often times those that perpetrate them get caught. This one involves a transgender man who is a LGBTQ+ activist, felt she . . . I mean he . . . wasn’t garnering enough attention for “his” cause. So, “he” decided to burn “his” own house down and make it look like a hate crime. This one must have been a little more convincing than Smollett’s as the fire occurred in 2017 and the lie didn’t come completely unraveled until now.
Police arrest transgender activist for burning down own home in alleged hate crime hoax
Police have reportedly arrested a Jackson, Michigan transgender and gay rights activist for allegedly burning down his own home.
Authorities accuse Nikki Joly, who organized a series of pro-LGBTQ events and initiatives in the socially conservative town, of intentionally setting fire to their own residence in 2017, The Detroit News reported Monday. Five pets perished in the inferno and the FBI investigated the incident as a hate crime, given that Joly had allegedly received threats prior to the fire.
So this sick freak not only concocted a hate crime but incinerated his own pets in the process. He/she/it probably figured the hoax would be more believeable if they died and hell, what are the lives of two German shepherds and three cats (according to Brietbart) when you’ve got a demented cause to promote? Fuckin’ sicko.

But a police report indicates that Joly was looking for further publicity to advance his cause.
The arrest has shocked locals on both sides of the LGBTQ rights issue, especially in the wake of actor Jussie Smollett being accused of staging his own hate crime in order to promote his career.
Anyone who’s shocked by this after all the other hate hoaxes that we’ve seen lately, is a blind fool.
Joly has been celebrated in the local LGBTQ community for helping build a gay community center, organizing a gay pride parade and advocating for a municipal ordinance forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation. Joly was even named Citizen of the Year, The News notes.
“It’s embarrassing? How do you do it to the community you have put so much effort into helping?” Travis Trombley, who is homosexual, asked The News.
But police investigating the charge offered a possible motive.
According to a police report, referenced by the News, two members of the St. John’s United Church of Christ, where the gay community center is located, believe that Joly was anxious to generate more news about LGBTQ rights. Barbara Shelton and Bobby James say Joly was visibly disappointed that the 2017 Jackson Pride Parade and Festival did not generate more publicity — good or bad.
According to Metro News, investigator Aaron Grove, who interrogated Shelton and James, said the pair described Joly as “very deceptive” and possessing “layers of manipulation.”
Joly had just been married before the fire, and the two were the recipients of $58,000 in fundraising from supporters, Metro News noted.
All this is just “alleged” at this point, but I’m going to guess the police are correct. I hope that every possible charge is thrown at this thing. Hate hoaxes aside, anyone (or in this case anything) that would burn five of their pets alive doesn’t deserve to live. I know that won’t happen but a maximum sentence on all charges would and perhaps murdered in prison would be nice.