Camp Bernie Calls Team Hillary ‘Biggest A-Holes In American Politics’

Hillary Clinton and the DNC worked tirelessly to submarine Bernie Sanders’ bid for the 2016 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Bernie then turned around and worked tirelessly to tell his socialist Bernie Bros to vote for Hillary. It was an unusual love-fest, but all that’s over now. In the funniest cat fight ever, Hillary’s team is accusing Bernie of taking advantage of them and Bernie’s camp is calling Hillary and her campaign the biggest assholes in politics. It’s awesome when they eat their own, isn’t it?

After Hillary stole the Democratic Party nomination, Bernie decoded to stump for her to stop the safety and prosperity a Donald Trump presidency would bring. As such, he flew around the country on Hillary’s dime, trying to convince people she wasn’t as bad as she seems. It didn’t work, but it did cost Hillary hundreds of thousands of dollars for private flights. Politico spoke with some of Hillary’s campaign staff who are pissed that Bernie wouldn’t fly commercial while whoring for Clinton.

Sanders’ flights — usually on a Gulfstream plane — cost the Clinton-Kaine campaign at least $100,000 in total, according to three people familiar with the cost of the air travel.

“We would try to fight it as much as possible because of cost and availability of planes, but they would request [a jet] every time,” one of those sources said. “We would always try to push for commercial. … At the campaign, you’re constantly trying to save like 25 cents.”

Prior to working out the logistics of Sanders’ travel, “our working assumption was that 90 percent of the time it would be commercial,” said another person familiar with the matter. “If he was trying to hop from city to city in a particular state and [commercial] didn’t work, we were open to” chartering a plane.

$100,000? Big whoop. Hillary’s campaign blew a billion dollars in her loss. This seems like nothing, but this next thing is really f*cking funny:

“I’m not shocked that while thousands of volunteers braved the heat and cold to knock on doors until their fingers bled in a desperate effort to stop Donald Trump, his Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders would only deign to leave his plush D.C. office or his brand new second home on the lake if he was flown around on a cushy private jet like a billionaire master of the universe,” said Clinton campaign rapid response director Zac Petkanas.

Actually, Bernie has 3 mansions, and he’s a socialist, and he thinks global warming is a huge threat, so this statement fails to fully capture his hypocrisy. Still, it’s pretty damn hilarious coming from Hillary’s people.

This manages to get better because Bernie’s people responded by basically saying that he busted his ass for her and she never even thanked him. And then there is this:

Michael Briggs, Sanders’ 2016 campaign spokesman who often traveled with Sanders on the private flights, said Clinton and her staff were “total ingrates” in light of the efforts the Vermont senator put in to try to help elect her in the general election.

“You can see why she’s one of the most disliked politicians in America. She’s not nice. Her people are not nice. [Sanders] busted his tail to fly all over the country to talk about why it made sense to elect Hillary Clinton and the thanks that [we] get is this kind of petty stupid sniping a couple years after the fact,” said Briggs.

It took a few of years, but finally one of Bernie’s people is calling Hillary out for being an asshole. Not only is this great, but it shows even more Bernie hypocrisy. If she’s not nice, not linkable, and an asshole, why was Bernie trying so hard to get her elected?

This speaks volumes to his complete lack of integrity as well. He was running around telling his supporters, who trusted him, to vote for Hillary when he knew she was a piece of shit. Somehow I don’t think bodes well for his 2020 presidential campaign. His credibility is in the crapper with everyone who used to worship him.

This story really makes me hope that Hillary decides to run again in 2020. Besides all of the other goofy loser democrats already in the race, a running feud between Bernie and Hillary would make the most entertaining contest ever.