Cory Booker Doesn’t Think America Is The Top Country

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is running for president and he doesn’t believe America is the best country. That’s another way of saying, “f*ck this guy, he should never be the President of the United States or even a US Senator.” Hell, if he doesn’t think America is so great, maybe he should pack his shit and GTFO. Go live in whatever country he thinks is better than the greatest nation that has ever been.

Booker did an interview on the “Pitchfork Economics” podcast and was discussing economics, which is always a tricky subject for democrats. He tried to contrast the economic conditions of the 1930’s, when his dad was born, with the opportunities in modern America.

“Even if you were a black guy like my dad and you were going to pick a country to be born in, the United States would be at the top of your list because we were expanding middle class at a rate that was creating opportunity,” said Booker.

Yeah, there was so much opportunity during the Great Depression, when Booker’s dad was born, it’s hard to believe they didn’t call it the “Great Succession.” Also, things just couldn’t have been better for black guys born in the 1930’s when the democrats were actively oppressing black people with segregation and racial terrorism.

Somehow Booker feels like things were awesome during the Great Depression, but now days he thinks everything is crap.

“The United States of America is not gonna be, necessarily if you’re just looking to get out of poverty, that’s your only metric, this is not necessarily the top country if you’re going to be born poor to get out. And that’s actually an assault on the very idea of the American dream,” said Booker.

The United States is the most prosperous nation this world has ever known. It’s the most free society that has ever existed. It is a place that offers opportunities for success that have never been paralleled. This statement from Booker is pure bullshit. Anyone who is willing to work hard will succeed in America. Period.

Clearly Booker doesn’t think much of this country and what it has to offer, which brings up a legitimate question he will never answer: what country offers more opportunity that the US? If America isn’t the top country, which one is?

It can’t be any country in Africa, South America, or the Caribbean. Those places are all shitholes. It’s not in Asia or Indian where caste systems determine a person’s place in life from birth. It’s certainly not anywhere in Europe because those countries practice soft socialism which traps people in the lower classes with massive government handouts.

That just leaves Australia, Canada, and Russia. Presumably Cory Booker thinks at least one of these countries is better than the US in terms of opportunity and upward mobility. He’s gotta be put of his mind if thinks any of those economic lightweights offer more opportunity than the US.

Oh wait, I just got it. Cory Booker must think Sparta is the best country for economic opportunity. This is yet another “Spartacus moment” for the grandstanding jackass.

I don’t know if you have noticed this but all of the democrats running for president in 2020 say that America sucks, but they are going to fix whatever they think is wrong with the country. This is another way of saying they want to “make America great again” which is something they accuse President Trump of racism for saying.

The truth of the matter is, all democrats hate this country and they do not have any intention of making it great or even a little better. They want to destroy this country and everything she stands for in an effort to create some kind of fascist/socialist hellhole where compliance to progressive liberalism is mandatory.

It’s not shocking that Cory Booker doesn’t think America is the best country. The only thing mildly surprising is that he said it out loud and that he thinks crapping on the US is a winning strategy.