Woman Who Attacked Man For Wearing MAGA Hat Is An Illegal Immigrant

Last week an insane woman attacked a man for wearing a MAGA hat and was arrested. Now it turns out this crazy-ass bitch is an illegal immigrant and in ICE custody. I’m sure there’s some irony here and if you really think about it, a “Make America Great Again” hat managed to make America a little greater by getting an illegal immigrant deported. Even funnier, a single MAGA hat has done more to address illegal immigration than every democrat in Congress. These hats are amazing.

Boston 25 reports that last week in a Mexican restaurant in Falmouth, MA Rosiane Santos became irate at the sight of Bryton Turner enjoying his meal while wearing a red MAGA hat. She walked past him and knocked the hat right off his head. A verbal argument ensued and Santos attempted to shove Turner’s face in his food.

The police arrived and the news says they has some difficulty arresting Santos. In the presence of the officers, Santos knocked Turner’s hat off again and took a swing at him.

“She just tried to grab my hat in front of four officers, not smart,” said Turner.

Santos told officers that Turner shouldn’t be allowed to eat in a Mexican restaurant while wearing a MAGA because President Trump is building a wall along the border. This is apparently something that makes sense to leftists.

According to her, she’s the real victim in all of this.

“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself. He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?” Santos said.

Police didn’t buy that Santos was the victim so she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. During the booking process some interesting information came up as reported by CBS Boston. Santos is from Brazil and is in the country illegally.

“Deportation officers with ICE’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested Rosiane Santos, an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil, today near Falmouth, Massachusetts. Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses. She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts,” said ICE spokesman John Mohan.


If this lunatic could have managed to contain her rage at an American wearing a Make America Great Again hat in America, she likely would have never been arrested and could have lived out her days illegally in this country. What a moron.

Actually, I’m a little confused. Isn’t Massachusetts a sanctuary state? Do they turn illegals over to ICE for minor offenses like disorderly conduct? Maybe because what she did drew a lot of attention, ICE was waiting for her when she walked out of jail. It doesn’t really matter, they got her and she’s gone.

The left has desperately been trying to portray MAGA hats as symbols of hate akin to a swastika or a KKK hood, but clearly these wonder hats are symbols of America itself. Not only do they convey a great message, they can actually get illegal immigrants deported. One single MAGA is better for this country than millions of liberals and their unless democratic representatives.