Transgender Weirdo Now Identifies As An Alien From Outer Space

Transgenderism is so last year. The big new thing is trans-speciesism because being a freak requires both hard work and innovation. You can’t really stand out in the crowd just by pretending you are a different gender anymore. One former transgender person has now declared itself an alien from outer space and even had its nipples removed because obviously extraterrestrials don’t have nipples. No word on whether this weirdo has been hired by the Berne Sanders’ campaign yet, but I think we all know that’s coming.

The Daily Mail reports while humanity weeps:

A 33-year-old, who was born as a woman before transitioning into a man, has revealed that they think they belong to any gender, and is an alien.

Jareth Nebula, from Edmonds, Washington, transitioned from female to male and changed their name at the age of 29.

The barber’s shop receptionist, who also works as a model, has even gone as far as having their nipples removed in order to ‘feel less human’.

I think it’s great that The Daily Mail took such pains to not mis-gender this kook with the improper pronouns, don’t you? If you are wondering where this name came from the former-transgender alien picked it because it was David Bowie’s character in the film Labyrinth. He wasn’t an alien in that movie, but whatever, that’s hardly the most puzzling thing going on here.

“After coming out as transgender and believing I had finally found myself, I realized I was wrong – I wasn’t male or female, or even human. I don’t think or feel like humans. I can’t really explain it to others – I’m simply otherworldly. I didn’t feel comfortable as either gender or even anything in between. I know I’m stuck in a human form and that’s how I’m perceived by others – but to me, I’m an alien with no gender,” said Nebula.

If this thing suddenly decides it’s not an alien, getting those nipples back is going to be tough. Then again, going from female to male, Nebula had her breasts removed, so there are plenty of steps getting back to what God intended.

“I thought being a trans man would solve all of my issues and inner battles with finding out who I was, but I wasn’t as happy as I expected to be. I felt like I was trying to fit into someone else’s box. I didn’t want to be constrained – that’s when I discovered what agender was. I’d always been obsessed with aliens, too, and what it means to be extraterrestrial, so the idea of being an agender alien fit perfectly as an identity for me,” said Nebula.

My first thought on this is: why isn’t this thing in an insane asylum? This is clearly not a person who is mentally healthy. I feel the same way about people who think putting on a dress or flannel shirt changes their gender, but this is someone who believes getting her nipples removed makes her a space alien. There are plenty of folks in the looney bin that are less crazy than this.

Liberals tell us that science proves women are men and men are women so we therefore have to take transgender people seriously. Do we also have to take this nutter seriously? Sorry, I can’t.

If this weirdo identifies as an alien and we’re supposed to pretend like that’s perfectly normal, I may have found a loophole. Aliens are not humans and do not have human rights. It’s perfectly legal to discriminate against this freak based on planet of origin. You can refuse to bake it a wedding cake, certified it’s marriage certificate, and fire it for being an extraterrestrial.

Editor’s note: For some reason it won’t allow me to run a picture of this weirdo with the story and I’ve tried several times with different pictures. I changed the picture to ET and if you want to see what this freak looks like, click here.