Bernie Sanders Hires Illegal Immigrant Deputy Press Secretary

Socialist Bernie Sanders would like to transform our capitalist republic into a Soviet-style communist hellhole, which is why he’s running for president in 2020. In order to achieve his dream of destroying everything America stands for, he needs a crafty propaganda ministry and he’s stocking it with the best lefties have to offer. Sanders just hired an illegal immigrant to be his assistant press secretary because of course he did. If his goal is annihilate America, and it is, he certainly can’t do it with Americans.

Fox News reports:

Bernie Sanders’ newest deputy national press secretary won’t be able to cast a vote for her boss in the 2020 presidential election.

That’s because Belén Sisa, a millennial Arizona left-wing activist who joined the Democrat’s staff this week, claims to be an undocumented immigrant who is protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

I have a feeling Sisa will be casting at least one vote for Bernie or whoever the Democratic Party nominee is. Immigration status is no barrier to voting for democrats. We’ll touch on this a little more in a second.

Sisa says that her parents illegally immigrated from Argentina to the US when she was six.

“I can’t help but think of the generations of sacrifice my family has had to do for me to get here. Never in our wildest dreams did we think I’d be making moves like these,” wrote Sisa.

What sacrifice? Her parents broke the law to bring her to a place she is not legally welcome. From most people’s perspectives, that’s seriously shitty parenting.

“This is really emotional for me. I can’t help but think of 18-year-old Belén, who felt hopeless and powerless to the anti-immigrant attacks and policies that were holding her back from her dreams,” Sisa wrote.

Those “anti-immigration policies” she is referring to are what we call our nation’s immigration laws. The US allows robust legal immigration, but for some reason we demand that people come here the right way.

Getting back to that illegal voting thing:

Sisa has been involved in politics since a young age and even worked as a page to the Arizona delegation at the 2016 Democratic National Convention…

She [said] in 2016 that while she initially supported Sanders’ campaign that year, she urged her family members, who have a right to vote, to back Hillary Clinton.

Wait a minute…her family members are also illegal immigrants and aren’t allowed to vote, yet here she is saying she encouraged them to vote for Hillary Clinton. How can this be? As it turns out, the voter fraud she was advocating seems pretty massive.

“Even though I can’t vote, I can get 200 people to vote, and that matters. Everything can change depending on who becomes the next president. Our voice is starting to matter, and we can have an impact even though we can’t cast a ballot ourselves,” said Sisa.

Thankfully Sisa’s illegal voting scheme didn’t have any impact in 2016 and Donald Trump was elected president. I’m guessing Bernie is hoping she will be able to get even more illegal immigrants to vote for him, at least in the primaries, to defeat the rigged Democratic Party nominating process.

So Bernie’s got himself a bonafide illegal immigrant press secretary, but he has a long way to go to fill out his revolutionary guard campaign. He can get a jihadi, maybe the “ISIS Bride,” to be his director of community outreach. Perhaps he should look into a convicted cop killer for his social media coordinator. For some reason I feel like he definitely needs a genuine traitor in the ranks so he should hire Chelsea Manning in some capacity.

One thing is for sure, he can’t bring Marxism to the Unite States with a bunch of law-abiding patriotic Americans.