British Rocker Rob Halford Slams America For Building Border Wall

We all know what those selfless Hollywood actors think about things and stuff, but what about the political scientists of the rock n’ roll world? Judas Priest frontman Rob Halhord has chimed in on America’s immigration issues and the British rocker doesn’t think our country should be allowed to decide who comes in and who stays out. According to the “Metal God” there should be no walls along the US/Mexico border because of things and stuff.

Halford did an interview with New York radio station Q103 and tried to relate his homosexuality to US immigration policy.

“It’s a wonderful subject, this whole business of breaking barriers and tearing down walls. There is a lot of wall language going on in America. You know what walls do? Walls divide people. Walls create a barrier of silence. And the great thing that music has always been able to do is to break through walls. Music is about communication. Music is about talking with each other through the songs that we love, through the shows that we go to,” Halfrod said.

You know what else walls do? They keep out people who have no authorization to enter. In fact, having seen Judas Priest somewhat recently, I encountered a shitload of walls and security. Just to get in the parking lot, a had to show my ticket and pay 20 dollars, which means obviously that poorer people were turned away by the venue’s equivalent of ICE.

The venue had walls and fences all around and there was a single port of entry. At this checkpoint, I was searched from head to toe to make sure I wasn’t smuggling any contraband. I was fine but I saw others turned away for trying to sneak in weed and alcohol because they didn’t want to pay $15 for a beer inside.

Immediately after the strip-search, there was another checkpoint and more fencing. I had to show my ticket again and it was scanned making sure my papers were in order. I saw a poor family that had traveled through the hot desert of Southern California seeking a better life, but they had no tickets and their request for asylum was denied.

This particular venue was an outdoor amphitheater with lawn seats as well as actual seats. The lawn was reserved for people who bought cheap tickets (AKA the underprivileged) while the seats went to those who could afford them. I had splurged so I could be closer, but wouldn’t you know it, there was more barriers and another checkpoint. I once again had to present my papers and was allowed into the seat section. I really went all out for this concert and got pit tickets, so there was another set of barriers and another checkpoint where I had to prove I had permission to enter and was given a wrist band.

Amazingly enough, that wasn’t the end of the security. Between the crowd and the stage there was a metal barricade. In the space between the baracde and the stage was an army of security guards to keep any audience members from reaching the band. On either side of the stage were honest to goodness armed Sheriff’s deputies in case any fans thought about coming in from the flanks.

Once Priest started playing, a few people jumped over the barriers between the seats and the pit and were quickly apprehended by the venue security staff. Those poor souls yearning for a better concert experience were cruelly and inhumanely deported from the venue.

Look, I immigrated to the Judas Priest concert the right way. I got permission to be there by shelling out top dollar for a ticket. I went through all of the checkpoints and submitted to all of the conditions to get in and was treated to a really good concert. By my count, I passed through 5 levels of security, 5 different walls, fences, or barricades, and was still separated from Rob Halfrod by another barrier.

If Judas Priest can do this, why is it wrong for America to? Why doesn’t the band play for free and let everyone who wants to come in do so? The answer to these questions and more is because Rob Halford is full of shit. It’s as simple as that.