Doocy Twists Psaki Into A Pretzel Over Illegal Immigration And Biden’s COVID Exposure

White House press secretary Jen Psaki is reportedly leaving the position for a lucrative fake news gig at MSNBC. I was going to say maybe this has her distracted and off her game but she’s never been on her game. In any case, Fox News’ Peter Doocy twisted her into a pretzel with questions about the coming illegal alien surge and Joe Biden’s exposure to a COVID-19 infected Nancy Pelosi.

First up is news that the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, has tested positive for COVID-19 just days after she was seen sucking face with Joe Biden. The White House has tried to downplay Biden’s exposure by lying that he was never in close contact with Pelosi.

Enter Peter Doocy:

“How can you guys say that President Biden was not a close contact with speaker Pelosi when there’s video of the speaker kissing him?” Doocy asked.

“The way that it is defined is by the Center of Disease Control, the CDC, and their definition of it is 15 minutes of contact within a set period of time, within six feet. It did not meet that bar,” said Psaki.

So according to Biden administration science, you could swap spit with an infected person for 14 minutes and not contact COVID-19? Why then do school children still have to mask up outdoors? Clearly this thing isn’t nearly as contagious as they would like us to believe.

As bad as that was for Psaki, Doocy got her even worse with this question about Biden ending the Trump-era policy that kept illegal aliens from overrunning our border:

“When Title 42 expires next month what is the plan for the 18,000 migrants a day that are gonna cross. Do you want them to get jobs here? Is there something else that you want these 18,000 a day to be doing?” Doocy asked.

“I don’t know where you’re basing your specific numbers on, Peter, but what I would tell you,” said Psaki, trying not to answer the question.

And then, BOOM:

“I’ve got it right here. Earlier this week the department (DHS) gave reporters an estimate that up to 18,000 migrants could be apprehended at the border each day if Title 42 expires,” said Doocy.

After getting kicked in the clam, Psaki still managed to not answer the question:

“Well, ‘up to’ and we’ll see what happens,” said Psaki.

There you have it folks, the Biden administration’s immigration policy is: “We’ll see what happens.” That’s taking Obama’s “lead from behind” approach to a whole new level of shittiness.