Unhinged Hillary Blames Racism For Losing 2016 Election

Hillary Clinton didn’t campaign in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania during the 2016 election and amazingly enough Trump won those Electoral College votes and the presidency. Following her loss, Hillary embarked on an excuse tour to blame her loss on everything from the FBI to sexist women until democrats told her to sit down and shut up. She just stood up gain and is now blaming her loss in Wisconsin on racism in one seriously unhinged rant.


Hillary was in Selma, Alabama to celebrate back people being oppressed by white democrats and gave a little speech:

“They are motivated every single day to try to pull back rights, to try to suppress rights, to try to prevent people from fulfilling their own God-given potential. They did go to work and they found a receptive Supreme Court who came up with the most absurd decision. This is, in many ways, the most absurd,” said Hillary.

Hillary is talking about the Republicans “forcing” the Supreme Court to rule certain provisions of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional, which is ridiculous and as we will soon seen completely irrelevant to her conspiracy theory.

“The Congress is supposed to legislate based on evidence and facts, which we did. Then it gets up to the Supreme Court and they said, ‘You don’t need that anymore. We don’t need that voting rights stuff. You don’t have to hold states and municipalities accountable. We are beyond all that now.’ What nonsense. Absolute, absurd nonsense. And what was the result? They gutted the Voting Rights Act” Hillary said.

And speaking of absolute absurd nonsense:

“I was the first person who ran for president without the protection of the Voting Rights Act and I will tell you it made it makes a really big difference and it doesn’t makes a difference in Alabama and Georgia, it made a difference in Wisconsin, where the best studies that have been done said somewhere between 40,000 and 80,000 people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin, because of their age, because of whatever excuse could be made up to stop a fellow American citizen from voting,” said Hillary.

Donald Trump also ran for president without the “protection” of the Voting Rights Act and somehow he managed to win. Nice try, Hillary, but this is another glass ceiling you didn’t shatter.

You will notice that it is Hillary’s position that because the Supreme Court struck down certain provisions of the Voting Righst Act that she lost the state of Wisconsin. Here’s how insanely stupid that is: SCOTUS ruled that the “Coverage Formula” of the VRA was illegal because it put specific restrictions on certain states, mainly Southern states once rule by democrats. Wisconsin however was not one of those states.

In the 2103 Shelby County v. Holder decision, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require certain states and counties in the South to obtain permission from the federal government before changing their voting procedures. Again, this had nothing to do with Wisconsin so for Hillary to say Republicans and the SCOTUS gutting the Voting Rights Act cost her a victory in the state is as big of a lie as she has ever told.

Equally bullshit is her statement that 80,000 Wisconsin residents were turned away at the polls because they were black. Prove this happened to even one person, because this is a lie. Anyone eligible to vote, who was registered and went to their correct polling place was able to vote. Period.

I can’t wait for the liberal media to fact-check this Hillary lie-fest. I’m sure they’ll get right on it as soon as they are done proving how something true President Trump said is actually false.

While we wait, do yourselves a favor and watch this video. This is as crazy as Hillary has ever looked and sounded and that’s saying a lot. There’s even a few times during this speech where she starts talking like a black person. I think that almost guarantees that she will be running for president again in 2020, which will be freakin’ hysterical.