Watch Bernie Struggle To Name Anything He’s Ever Done To Help Black People

During the 2016 election campaign Hillary Clinton struggled to name anything she had accomplished in her decades of public service. Bernie Sanders is running president in 2020 and has a similar issue of uselessness. When asked to name any legislation he has passed in his years as a politician that ever helped anyone, Comrade Bernie came up empty. Making this funnier, he was asked specifically if he had a hand in legislation that helped black people and he couldn’t think of any.

Bernie Sanders has an even bigger problem with black voters than Kamala Harris and like her went on the black radio program The Breakfast Club to prove his black credentials. Somehow it went worse for Sanders than Harris and she lied about smoking weed to Tupac Shakur in college.

Sanders was asked a variety of “black” questions, but when it came time for slave reparations he really fumbled.

“I’m not dodging the question. The question is, “what do we mean by reparations?’ I mean, it seems to be a lot of people doing a lot of different things,” said Bernie.

Good answer, Bernie. I’m sure black people will love you for that.

And speaking of dodging the question, Bernie was asked what legislation he has passed that has helped black people. You can see this exchange at the 29:52 mark of the video.

“What examples can you point at to show black people that this is what you’ve done specifically for issues that affect them?” asked the host.

Get ready for it…

“I don’t talk about this very often but when I was a student in college I was a member of a group that I no longer think exists: the congress on racial equality. Ring a bell? It was one of the prominent civil rights groups in the 60’s and we took on segregated housing owned by the University of Chicago. We held the first sit-in demonstration every held in the North. I got arrested for doing so,” said Bernie.

Is this going somewhere? Nope.

“In 1963 I was at the march on Washington, where Dr. King spoke. So I think I have a long history in civil rights activism. In 1988 I was one of the few white public officials who supported Jesse Jackson for President of the United States…I think if you look at my record in civil rights and other areas you will find that it is constantly a very very strong one,” Bernie said.

Having just been given a nothing answer, the host tried again to get Bernie to talk about anything real he has done to help black people:

“Any legislation you can point to?” asked the host.

After an uncomfortable pause…

“Well legislation that uh, (another pause) that benefits African Americans, yeah we passed, not specifically, but we passed legislation that benefits working people, sure,” stumbled Bernie.

A lot of black people don’t work, plus, what legislation has Bernie Sanders every been a part of that benefited working people? Fortunately for Bernie, the host let him off the hook and gave him a softball question that the million-year-old communist still managed to whiff on.

“If you had to pick a person of color for your running mate, who would it be?” the host asked.

“It’s too early to say,” replied Bernie.

To recap, Bernie Sanders was on this black radio show to prove he’s not just a socialist for white people, but all people and he screwed up an answer on reparations, couldn’t name a single thing he’s ever done to help black people, and refused to name a single black person he would consider running with.

If at all possible, Bernie is worse than Hillary at pandering the black vote. At least she talks in a black accent and claims she carries hot sauce in her purse. Bernie can’t even pretend that he likes blacks or even know one personally.