Maxine Waters Goes Off The Rails With Anti-Trump Tweet-Storm

With the Robert Mueller report set for release, the general consensus from even the most ardent anti-Trumpers is that there will be no proof of collusion between the President and Russia. As such, the democrats are quickly switching the narrative, saying that Trump is actually guilty of obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations, and drowning a sack full of puppies in the Potomac river. California lunatic Maxine Waters did her part with an unhinged tweet-storm accusing Trump of all kinds of crazy stuff to bolster her position that the freely-elected President of the United States should be impeached without any evidence of wrongdoing.

Mad Maxie Pad unleashed this Twitter rant yesterday and what I mean by that is one of her assistants turned her insanity into tweets because there’s no way she understands how to use social media. This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like on Twitter:

Fake summit? So Trump didn’t really go to Vietnam to meet with Kim Jong Un? Maybe it was filmed on that soundstage in Arizona where they faked the moon landing. I bet they got Ken Jong (Mr. Chow from the Hangover films) to play the North Korean dictator. Actually, that would be hilarious.

When did Trump try to flip the script on this and what does that actually mean? Also, Fact-Check: President Trump secured Otto Warmbier’s release from North Korea, something Obama was unable to do.

For the record, the “evidence” that Jamal Khashoggi was killed with a chainsaw comes from some dude who was distributing pictures from a French TV crime drama and passing them off as security stills from the murder scene. That is to say, it’s complete bullshit.

If all of that stuff Waters is saying is true, why hasn’t Trump been indicted? The answer is, because it’s not true, something Mad Maxie all but admits with her next tweet:

What Waters is saying is that she and the democrats have nothing so she’s inviting all of the people to “come clean” with whatever it she thinks they are hiding about Trump. I will say that she’s not much of a negotiator since her deal is: squeal on the President and go to jail anyways.

With that last statement, Waters is hoping that Trump contracts syphilis. No seriously, that’s what “a pox on you” means. Look it up.

On the flip side of that, Waters has been screaming “collusion” and “obstruction” for years and hasn’t come up with one piece of evidence to support them. As if that’s not crazy enough, she says that Trump defending his innocence is unpatriotic. How does that work?

And that’s the actual message Waters is trying to convey with the insane rant. She’s saying that real evidence of crimes is unnecessary to impeach Trump because she doesn’t like him. She is so anxious to get rid of the person America chose to lead that she can’t wait for the results of investigations, including one that she is heading as the chairwoman of the House Finance Committee.

Another way to look at this is that it’s an admission that the left has literally nothing on President Trump. Waters’ case against Trump is filled with conspiracy theories and debunked garbage, which is the exact opposite of proof that could secure an indictment or hold up in a court of law.