Liberal Nut Wants Joe Biden To Rape Her Because Trump Is Bad Or Something

The evolution of the liberal excuse making over the rape allegation against Joe Biden has been a thing to behold. For a month they ignored the story hoping it would go away. When that didn’t happen, they explained that believe all women sexual assault survivors didn’t actually mean believe the women who accuse democrats of rape. When that came off as hypocritical they shifted to a narrative that said “yeah Joe’s a rapist but so what? He’s better than Trump somehow.” Now things have sunk to the level of liberal women begging to be raped by Biden to own Trump or some crap like that.

The New York Times published a piece by feminist activist Linda Hirshman, who says she does believe Joe Biden sexually assaulted staffer Tara Reade, but doesn’t care:

I Believe Tara Reade. I’m Voting for Joe Biden Anyway

So what’s a girl to do now? Discounting Ms. Reade’s accusation and, one after another, denigrating her corroborating witnesses, calling for endless new evidence, avowing that you “hear” her, is nonsense. We are now up to four corroborating witnesses — including one contemporary corroborating witness, unearthed by Rich McHugh, who was Ronan Farrow’s producer at NBC News during the Harvey Weinstein #MeToo reporting — and one “Larry King Live” tape.

So what is the greatest good or the greatest harm? Mr. Biden, and the Democrats he may carry with him into government, are likely to do more good for women and the nation than his competition, the worst president in the history of the Republic. Compared with the good Mr. Biden can do, the cost of dismissing Tara Reade — and, worse, weakening the voices of future survivors — is worth it. And don’t call me an amoral realist. Utilitarianism is not a moral abdication; it is a moral stance.

Supporting someone she believes is a rapist is a moral stance?

Weigh it: Don’t a few extra cents for each worker matter more than the marginal dollar for the boss? Weigh it: Won’t the good for all the Americans who will benefit from replacing Donald Trump with Joe Biden, including the masses of women who will get some crumbs, count for more than the harm done to the victims of abuse?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez added to this in an interview with NPR by suggesting that even victim Tara Reade would want people to still support Biden:

“I think a lot of what we can look for is, look at the aims that the survivor is asking for. And while a lot of folks, again, are trying to jump to the political implications, [Tara Reade] has never explicitly said, ‘don’t vote for Joe Biden,'” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Biden has received a lot really bad endorsements, but that has to be the worst. I can wait for the political ad: “The chick I raped never said don’t vote for me. I’m Joe Biden and I approve of this message.”

And speaking of the worst. Here’s where it looks like things have bottomed out. Writer, activist, and proud Hillary Clinton supporter Sandy Knauer not only doesn’t care if Joe Biden is a rapist, but wouldn’t getting in on the action:

All it took was one woman to accuse Joe Biden of sexual assault to kill feminism, the #MeToo movement, and believing all women. In about a month they went from “all women survivors have a right to be believed” to “rape me, Crazy Joe!”

This by far the weirdest manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome yet. Liberal women hate the results of a free and fair election so much that they not only support a rapist, but actually want to be raped by him.