Nancy Pelosi Supports White Supremacy And Islamophobia. No, Seriously

The Democratic Party is struggling to condemn the raging anti-Semitism of Rep. Ilhan Omar because we all know liberals are hypocrites. Perceived racism on the right is a national emergency, but actual racism in their own ranks is acceptable. In the latest defense of Omar’s hateful statements, Nancy Pelosi actually threw her support in for white supremacy and Islamophobia. Let that sink in for a minute: Rather than admonish a fellow democrat for hate speech, the House Speaker gave two thumbs up to all forms of hatred. Those democrats sure are whacky.

The Hill reports that Pelosi tried to address the series of anti-Semitic statements from Muslim Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and boy did she do a shitty job:

“I don’t think that the congresswoman perhaps appreciates the full weight of how it was heard by other people, although I don’t believe it was intended in an anti-Semitic way, but the fact is, if that’s how it was interpreted, we have to remove all doubt,” said Pelosi.

Omar basically said that the rich Jews run the world, which would be super anti-Semitic if anyone other than a black Muslim democrat said it.

“I do not believe that she understood the full weight of the words,” Pelosi added.

And speaking of a Congresswoman who doesn’t appreciate the full weight of her own words, Pelosi dropped a whopper of a statement. The House has been working on a resolution to condemn Ohan’s anti-Semitism, which morphed into a blanket condemnation of anti-Semitism and then became a broad statement against all forms of hate speech. This however is what Pelosi said about it:

“I thought the resolution should enlarge the issue to anti-Semitism, anti-Islamophobia,  anti-white supremacy, and that it should not mention her name,” Pelosi said.

You got that? Pelosi wants the House resolution to condemn anti-Semitism, anti-Islamophobia, and anti-white supremacy. Am I the only one who sees a problem with that?

Anti-Semitism is essentially a hatred of the Jewish people. With that in mind, “anti-white supremacy” would be a hatred of white supremacists and “anti-Islamophobia” is a hatred of Islamophobes. If the resolution is going to condemn these three things, that means Pelosi is against Jew-haters but supports white supremacy and Islamophobia.

Look at it like this: Saying “I condemn anti-white supremacy” means that you are admonishing people who are against white supremacy. Same goes for condemning anti-Islamophobia.

Democrats including Rep. Omar have labeled President Trump a white supremacist and he has never said “I support white supremacy.” Nancy Pelosi said exactly that, but for some reason there isn’t quite the outrage.

In light of the fact that Pelosi just came out in support of white supremacy and Islamophobia, the rest of her statement concerning Omar seems even dumber.

“I understand how advocates come in with their enthusiasms, but when you cross that threshold into Congress your words weigh much more than when you’re shouting at somebody outside and I feel confident that her words were not based on any anti-Semitic attitude, but that she didn’t have a full appreciation of how they landed on other people, where these words have a history and a cultural impact that may have been unknown,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi is both senile and insane, so chances are she didn’t mean to support white supremacy and Islamophobia, but the fact of the matter is she did. Luckily for her she is a democrat and will be given the benefit of the doubt, where a Republican making a similar idiotic statement would be ripped to shreds. And if you need any proof, look how hard it is for democrats and the media to condemn Ilhan Omar’s shameful anti-Semitism.