Sen. Chris Murphy: There Is No Defense Against A Madman With An AR-15

Democrats are heavily invested in the false narrative that AR-15’s are “assault rifles” that have otherworldly killing powers. They say these semi-automatic rifles, which function no differently than any other semi-automatic rifle, are extra-lethal because they look like machine guns. They claim that the .22 caliber round fired by the dreaded AR is as devastating as a tactical nuclear strike. Anti-gun democrat (redundant) Sen. Chris Murphy has gone so far as to claim that there is literally nothing a person can do to defend him or herself from a madman wielding one of these super-weapons.

Murphy did an interview with Rolling Stone, but before we get to his insanity, I want to point this one thing out. As you know, liberals take their marching orders from a central authority of liberal bullshit and today’s memo appears to be pushing this completely made-up statistic:

Now compare that to what Murphy said in the RS interview:

“Public opinion is now wildly in favor of background checks — at 95, 97 percent,” said Murphy.

Where’d they get that 97% number from? 97% of Americnas don’t agree on anything, let alone surrendering their 2nd Amendment rights. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but democrats also claim that 97% of scientists say man-made global warming is real. Perhaps that’s the only number liberals know, but one thing is for sure, it’s a fake statistic.

Now on to Murphy’s insane claim that there is no protection from an AR-15. RS asked Murphy what can be done to stop school shootings and his answer was bonkers even for a gun-grabbing kook like him.

“The frightening reality is that there’s not a lot you can do to protect yourself from somebody with a military-style, semi-automatic weapon. I’ve supported major investments in school safety…But I also know that those weapons have such power that if somebody wants to do a lot of damage with one of them, there are very few protocols that will stop that,” said Murphy.

Well, you could shoot the guy with the “military-style” semi-automatic weapon. That’s one pretty effective method to stopping a mass shooter. Murphy is trying to say that someone, like an armed school resource officer, is incapable of stopping someone with an “assault rifle” like simply possessing an AR-15 makes a killer impervious to gunfire from the good guys.

Somehow this answer got worse.

“Those AR-15s are the tools of copycat killers. It’s not a coincidence that they keep getting picked up by these mass shooters. These mass shooters study how they can be most effective at killing as many people as quickly as possible. And until we get those things off the street, there’s no investment in school safety that you can make to make your kids truly safe,” Murphy said.

Murphy restates his absurd opinion that nothing can stop a bad guy with an AR-15 but adds the wrinkle that unless all semi-automatic rifles are banned and confiscated every single child in this country is likely to die in a mass shooting. Normally when people think shit that is this insane they are put in a padded cell, but if that person has a “D” after their name they get to make unconstitutional policy for the United States.

Really this is some master-level fear mongering with a dash of passiveeagressiveness. Murphy is saying, “Sure you can have your right to keep and bear arms, but all of the children will be slaughtered.”

An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon that fires one round with every trigger pull, just like all other semi-automatic weapons. It’s not deadlier because it’s black and scary looking. It doesn’t have added lethality because it resembles full-auto weapons used by the military. It sure as shit doesn’t render people bullet-proof if they decide to use one for nefarious purposes.

Murphy says it’s not a coincidence that mass shooters keep “picking up” AR-15’s which is another lie. Most mass shootings are perpetrated by assholes with handguns or shotguns. The thing that’s really not a coincidence is that democrats use false information in an effort to strip us of our rights.