People With AR-15s Showed Up To Beto Rally And Hell No He Didn’t Take Them

“Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” said Beto O’Rourke during a democratic debate, but when given the opportunity to put words into action, it was all “hell no.” Some open carry supporters showed up with AR-15s to a Beto rally in Ohio, where such a thing is completely legal, but instead of taking them the 2020 “also-ran” flailed his arms and babbled like a lunatic. I know, I’m as surprised as you that O’Rourke can’t back up his mouth.

Following O’Rourke’s campaign of fascist gun confiscation, many have wondered just how he would go about stealing tens of millions of guns from law-abiding Americans. A few of these good guys with guns went his campaign rally at Kent State University in Ohio on Wednesday and gave him the opportunity to “come and take them.” He wisely declined this friendly offer.

“These weapons of war, which were designed to kill us on the battlefield, but are killing us in schools and synagogues and Walmarts and churches and concerts and gatherings just like these, it is not enough to stop selling AR-15s and AK-47s when there are more than 10 million of those potential instruments of terror, we must mandate that every single one of them be brought back, back home, off the streets, out of our lives,” said O’Rourke.

How does he figure that a legal weapon purchased from a gun dealer is the rightful property of the U.S. Government? He said these firearms have to “be brought back home.” My guns are already home and they are quite happy. I have big backyard they can play in, they take regular baths, and feed them nothing but the best. None of that corrosive primer Russian crap for my little ones.

“None of us, none of us should face this terror,” continued O’Rourke.

If he is terrorized by someone peacefully exercising their Constitutional rights, he may be a little too delicate to be an elected representative of the people. Hell he’s too fragile to go out in public by himself.

Then O’Rourke allegedly pointed at some people who showed up to the rally with these “weapons of war” though they can not be seen on the video.

“Nobody should show up with one of these weapons to seek to intimidate us in our own democracy. That’s wrong! That’s wrong!” O’Rourke shouted.

We’re not a democracy and even if we were, a law-abiding person with a firearm is not a display of intimidation, it’s an affirmation of our freedom.

It occurred to me that maybe O’Rourke was making up these gun-toting “terrorists” because that’s how full of crap he is, but Fox 8 reports there really were open carry supporters:

About 200 people showed up for the event. Some were Beto supporters, others undecided and at least a couple dozen were pro-gun, the majority of whom held signs and a handful were openly carrying rifles and side arms.

In response O’Rourke said, “There is no problem owning a firearm for responsible uses, but there is no place for a firearm that was developed to kill people on a battlefield. We should stop selling them and we should buy them back.”

You can’t buy back that which you never owned in the first place. Just call it what it is: a gun confiscation.

The worst part about this is the location O’Rourke chose to make this threat. The only way O’Rourke is taking guns away from the American people is if he sends the military in to execute those who refuse to comply with his “buy back.” The National Guard shot 13 people, killing 4, at Kent State University and that appears to be a preview of what O’Rourke has in store for the country if he’s elected president. Thankfully he’ll never be president.