Black Trans ‘Woman’ Attacks White People In Genuine Hate Crime Spree

Hey look at this. An actual hate crime occurred in NYC, though it’s not the kind that the liberal media likes to report. Rather than some nonexistent Trump supporters assaulting a gay minority, this was a gay minority going after white people who may or may not support the President. Kooky, right? A black transgender “woman” threatened, kicked, and pepper sprayed over a half dozen white people just for being white. Get ready for mainstream media silence in 3..2..1…

ABC7 reports that 37-year-old Thomas J. Heard unleashed a wave of anti-white hatred in the Bronx over the weekend. Doesn’t Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent the Bronx? It’s probably unrelated.

On Friday Heard kicked thing off on Friday by pepper spraying a 29-year-old white man inside a subway station. He/she then ran out into the street and pepper sprayed 5 more random white people. From there, Heard went back into the subway and pepper sprayed a white woman waiting for a train.

Reemerging from his/her underground lair, Heard approached Denise Gannaway walking on the sidewalk and kicked the innocent woman in the leg.

“All of a sudden, I hear this woman yell at me from behind, ‘I hate you, you expletive expletive!'” Gannaway said.

Gannaway screamed for her boyfriend to help at which point Heard pepper sprayed him.

“She says ‘I’m gonna pepper spray you’ and she came around and she actually got me across my face,” said the boyfriend.

Heard then chased the couple around the corner and hit them with some more pepper spray.

“I saw her pull something out of her pocket. I didn’t know if it was a gun, I didn’t know if it was a knife – I didn’t know what she had,” said Gannaway. “And then she pepper sprayed him in the eye.”

Heard fled the scene and then seemed to call it quits for Friday. On Saturday however he/she was back at it again, threatening to stab a white woman with a pair of scissors. With the victim’s help, police were able to track Heard down and arrested him/her. He/she was in possession of pepper spray and scissors at the time of the arrest.

Here’s the truly amazing part about this story: Heard was charged with several hate crimes. No seriously. In NYC they actually consider a black transgender freak attacking white people to be racially motivated hatred.

ABC7 is real careful not mention why exactly Heard was charged with multiple hate crimes but Fox News pointed out that all of the victims had something in common:

Police say the believe that Heard’s actions were racially motivated, because all of her victims were white. When police arrested her, they recovered pepper spray and a pair of scissors. She has reportedly been charged with assault as a hate crime, menacing as a hate crime, harassment as a hate crime and assault with criminal possession of a weapon.

None of the news reports specifically identify Heard as black and it’s impossible to tell from the surveillance video, so I’m just assuming he/she is black based on all of the evidence. The police wouldn’t charge a white transgender with hate crimes for attacking white people and “Heard” doesn’t sound like a Hispanic or Asian name. If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize, but I’m not wrong.

As you can see, there is no need for the national media to pick this story up because it doesn’t fit their narrative that white MAGA hat wearing racists are preying upon the poor marginalized people of this country. They may be working on an angle that these 10 white people conspired to hire a black transgender weirdo to stage a hate crime hoax, but until they find the cancelled check, there won’t be anything about this on the news.