Hollywood Gives New Zealand A Lap Dance For Banning Guns

New Zealand had a mass shooting and in a matter of days passed a massive firearms ban with a fun government gun confiscation to go with it. Of course NZ doesn’t have a Constitutional amendment protecting the right of gun ownership but that didn’t stop democrats from demanding that the US do the same thing. Hollywood, AKA the liberal propaganda ministry, is also slobbering over the prospect of banning guns in the US and heaped praise on the totalitarian dictatorship of New Zealand.

Anti-gun/anti-Trump/anti-everything activist Debra Messing did her best to conflate robbing people of their rights with bold leadership:

Of course she just added a link so we can’t actually see what she thinks leadership looks like. Apparently this:


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THIS is what Leadership looks like. Thank you for being a model for the world. #doingnothingiscowardice

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It’s weird how leadership and fascism look so similar, isn’t it?

Julianne Moore makes a lot of movies in which guns in the hands of heroes save the day. In real life, she doesn’t think guns have that same ability, so she too gave NZ a lap dance:

Well, technically dictators and emperors are leaders, so she’s not wrong. However, leaders of free societies don’t knee-jerk sweeping legislation that takes away the right of the people.

Marginally-Employed founder of the utterly ignored “No Rifle Association” Alyssa Milano couldn’t be bothered to write anything coherent, but presumably she is in favor of NZ’s gun ban too:

What? That? Right there? I don’t see it? Is she talking about that thing over there? I don’t even know what the f*ck that is.

Captain Caveman Ron Pearlman doesn’t just piss on his hand before meeting people, he also shits on the Constitution before expressing his ignorant self-righteous opinions:

According to Perlman, the 2nd Amendment isn’t so much about protecting our rights, but about making money for the gun manufacturers and the NRA. Doesn’t he make movies and TV shows with tons of gun violence? And isn’t the point of those entertainment vehicles to make a profit?

And then there’s Bette:

Easy. Because we have the 2nd Amendment to keep and bear arms. But kudos to Bette for equating a our civil liberties with heartlessness.

Finally we have professional victim Mia Farrow using liberals’ new favorite word:

Your mom is feckless. Boom!

It is the collective opinion of Hollywood that leadership and courage look like controlling people’s lives and stripping them of their inborn rights. In reality that looks like what our Founding Fathers were worried about when they included the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution.

New Zealand’s reaction to a tragic event was to punish everyone who had nothing to do with it. I don’t think there is a better example of liberalism than that and it’s no surprise that Hollywood messed their pants over it.