Trump Is Already Killing It With White Working Class Voters Demonized By Racist Dems

Proof that the Democrats are once again their own worst enemies?

President Trump could be cruising to reelection next year thanks to Democrats trying to outdo each other in terms of sheer craziness at the expense of running on issues that really matter to real Americans.

The POTUS was able to spring the upset of the century in 2016 by taking advantage of Team Hillary’s monumental strategic blunder of ignoring the concerns of white working-class voters who had been devastated economically and on election night, he harvested several traditionally blue states because he spoke to the concerns of those who had been displaced.

Despite being given a big scare in the primaries by socialist demagogue Bernie Sanders when he won several of the states that put Trump over the top, the arrogant Clinton campaign deliberately chose to ignore the warning signs that were flashing red.

Hell, she didn’t even bother visiting Wisconsin, a state in which she lost the primary to Sanders.

Now with the 2020 election cycle underway and picking up steam, the party has refused to learn the lessons of Hillary’s doomed presidential run and instead of reaching out to those voters with a focus on kitchen table issues, the Democrats have inexplicably put forth a field of candidates that are demonizing white people.

It’s hardly a recipe for success and while Bernie is running again, even he is being forced to bow to the social justice revolutionaries which doesn’t bode well for his White House hopes.

In what should be a shot across the Dems’ bow even though it’s probably already too late to change course, a stunner of a CNN poll shows that President Trump already has a stranglehold on those same white working-class voters who rejected Hillary and her identity politics and he is clobbering both Bernie and loopy wunderkind Beto O’Rourke.

Via The Washington Free Beacon, “Trump Leads Beto and Bernie By Double Digits With White Working-Class Voters”:

President Donald Trump holds a double-digit lead over his two most prominent Democratic challengers among white working-class voters.

A new poll released by CNN on Tuesday found that 54 percent of non-college educated whites had a favorable opinion of Trump. Meanwhile, only a fraction felt the same way about two of the Democratic Party’s leading contenders, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke. The results indicate a favorability rating of 40 percent for Sanders and 20 percent for O’Rourke within this key demographic.

Trump will likely continue to widen his lead with top Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and even Bernie himself hustling the lunacy of reparations and other free stuff to placate the fanatical far-left base but that kind of anti-white racism and socialist redistribution schemes aren’t going to sell to voters in middle America.

The president hasn’t even begun his barnstorming tour yet either and with an opposition that has learned nothing from their past loss or even attempted to right the ship, he can afford to wait.

Democrats are making a disastrous bet by throwing in with anarchists, anti-Semites and other extremists who believe that it is acceptable to pull down statues and engage in mob bullying against those who they disagree with and the silent majority could make them pay dearly come next November.