Pulitzer Prize Winning Liberal Reporter Destroys Media Over Russia Hoax

You wouldn’t have known it from television (they were banned) but there were even some liberals who called BS on the great Russian hoax…

The collapse of the house of cards that was the Russian collusion delusion should serve as a wakeup call to Americans of just how news has been replaced by propaganda and facts swapped out with conspiracy theories.

Having lied for nearly three solid years about the ridiculous claim that President Trump was a deeply embedded Kremlin operative who only won the election with help from Moscow, the jig was up when St. Bob Mueller exonerated the POTUS.

The Mueller report should have had every media organization in the nation – but especially CNN and MSNBC – issuing apologies to their viewers, conducting mass firings and hanging their heads in shame.

However, in the early days after Mueller blew their long-running hoax to smithereens, there has been little contrition and CNN and MSNBC have doubled-down by inventing yet another conspiracy theory that the report is being covered up rather than to admit that they played viewers and readers for chumps.

The implosion of the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on America has also vindicated those who had always been onto the scam and were smeared as Putin puppets and banned from newsrooms.

One of those is Pulitzer Prize winner Glenn Greenwald who is most famous for reporting on former government contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden’s purloined evidence that the NSA was spying on innocent Americans.

On Monday, Greenwald was ON FIRE and tore the conspirators to shreds during an interview with Fox’s Tucker Carlson and took a meat ax to MSNBC.


Via The Daily Caller:

“Let me just say, [MSNBC] should have their top host on primetime go before the cameras and hang their head in shame and apologize for lying to people for three straight years, exploiting their fears to great profit,” Greenwald began. “These are people who were on the verge of losing their jobs. The whole network was about to collapse. This whole scam saved them. Not only did they constantly feed people for three straight years total disinformation, they did it on purpose, Tucker.”

He continued, “There was a whole slew, not just me, of left-wing journalists with very high journalistic credentials, far more than anyone on that network, like Matt Taibbi and Jeremy Scahill and many others, including myself, who were banned from the network because they wanted their audience not to know that anybody was questioning or expressing skepticism about the lies and the scam they were selling because it was so profitable.”

“They did it on purpose. It was a total fraud that they perpetrated on their audience and to the extent that they talked about it at all, it was to call us agents of the Russian government to defame us as traitors and to lie about us continuously to their audience,” Greenwald concluded.

Greenwald – who is no fan of Trump if you haven’t guessed it already- also smacked it out of the park on the leftist Democracy Now where he obliterated New York Times political hack David Cay Johnson:

Excerpted from the transcript:

…the reality is, the media chose to focus on this. Everybody knows this. David Cay Johnston was on your show, Amy, a week ago, and he said, “Donald Trump, I believe, is a Russian agent.” We now have a full-scale, 20-month investigation by somebody that everybody agreed was a man of great integrity who would get to the bottom of all of this, who had full subpoena power. And David keeps trying to imply, which is totally false, that all that Mueller said was, “Oh, it just doesn’t rise to the level of criminality.” That is not what he said. He said, after 20 months of a full-scale investigation—which, by the way, included hours of interrogating Donald Trump Jr. before Congress, all of the transcripts of which were made available to Mueller, which he could have prosecuted Trump Jr. on for perjury and obstruction had Donald Trump Jr. lied about anything, but he chose not to. He said, “After reviewing all of this evidence, I am concluding that this did not happen,” not that it doesn’t rise to the level where I can criminally prosecute. He’s saying there was no collusion.

The game is over, and it’s time to be honest about it. And the more we try to cling to this and invent new—you know what it reminds me of? In 2003, when the neocons finally had to face the truth that there were no WMDs, that they had fabricated that, that the media had misled millions of people around the world for years, and they started saying, “Um, maybe Saddam hid them in Syria. Maybe they’re buried in places we just haven’t looked yet.” It’s time to face the truth. The media got this story wrong. They obsessed on this for three years, and all this time there was no evidence for it. It was just a conspiracy theory. Rachel Maddow, the most influential liberal TV host in the country, every single night misled millions of liberals into believing something that was totally false, and there will be no media consequences for it.

He is also on fire on Twitter:

The fake news business is far too lucrative to expect accountability but this raging dumpster fire will hopefully result in millions of Americans understanding that they have been bamboozled and tuning out.