Priceless Video! Pro-Socialist Students Reject Socialism When it’s Applied To Their Grades!

Socialist students were put on the spot by Cabot Phillips in Florida when after asking them if they preferred socialism over capitalism. Not surprisingly, many said they’d choose the former. But watch the little libbies squirm when Phillips turns the tables on them and asks them if they’d support the same sort of system if it was applied to their grade point average.

Via Campus Reform

VIDEO: Students support socialism…but not when it comes to their GPAs

With far left candidates and policies on the rise in America, it’s no surprise that for the first time ever, more young people say they’d prefer to live in a socialist country over a capitalist one.

Whether it’s free healthcare, free college tuition, or universal basic income, students around America increasingly support higher taxes on the wealthy in order to pay for these progressive policies. But would they support similar policies if they had skin in the game?

To find out, Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips went to Florida International University in Miami to test the waters on a “Socialist GPA” policy in which students with higher GPAs would be forced to “spread the wealth” and give some of their GPA points to students with lower GPAs.

Despite the overwhelming number of students who initially said they’d support socialist policies, few agreed to go along with such a plan.

“I’m all for helping, but I wouldn’t give some of my points… I’ve lost a lot of sleep so I don’t know if that would be fair,” one student said, while another answered no because “I like, study all day for my grades.”

Yet another student, after expressing her support for socialism in America conceded, “I guess it would be kind of hypocritical for me to say no.”

Another student, trying to justify his refusal to abide by such a policy, said, “you study for your grades, and they reflect how much time you’re studying.” What did the rest of the students have to say when asked why it was any different when it came to spreading the financial wealth?

Just more typical liberal hypocrisy. “We want equality for everyone! But not if it takes from me!” It further illustrates the lack of mental capacity of today’s liberal college students. They can’t think for themselves. They merely parrot what their liberal indoctrinators drill into their heads in class but when someone actually calls them on the bullshit they’ve been taught with a valid argument, they have no response. Hopefully Mr. Phillips taught these handful of morons a valuable lesson and actually made them re-think their ideas. But I doubt this one instance of humiliation can brush aside the years of “higher education” indoctrination they have been exposed to.