John Kerry Triggers Global Warming With Massive Fart

Climate Czar, John Kerry, already has a bloated carbon footprint from flying around the globe on his private jet to scold people for polluting. Now he left a carbon assprint by ripping a fart that may have triggered global warming. At the very least, it changed the immediate climate for those around him who had to smell his eco-disaster flatulence.

Kerry, along with all the global elite hypocrites flew to Climate Change Conference in Dubai for a meeting the could have been done remotely on Zoom. Instead, these assholes dumped tons of carbon into the atmosphere so they can strategize ways to make our lives more expensive and less convenient.

At some kind of who-gives-a-shit symposium, Kerry launched into a rant about his desire to put millions of people out of work, while making millions more pay exorbitant prices for unreliable energy.

“There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,” said Kerry.

It’s insane that this unelected piece of shit is trying to dictate energy policy, not just in the U.S., but across the world. He’s going to be sad when he finds out he has zero authority anywhere on the planet.

“I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults who are in a position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis,” continued the self-appointed dictator.

At that point, the mic picked up Kerry ripping a juicy fart, which was funny enough. It got downright hysterical, because the audience erupted in applause. If there was ever any doubt that these climate alarmists are a cult, applauding John Kerry’s butt burp erased it all.

And for those leftist apologists who will insist Kerry didn’t fart, take a look at CNN’s managing editor, Becky Anderson, who is seated next to him. Right after he ripped one, she covered her face in horror, because that rank old man gas was assaulting her nostrils.

While we are having fun here, it’s actually a serious issue of hypocrisy. Kerry and all of the Climate Cult want to eliminate the beef industry because they claim methane from cow flatulence is destroying the planet. If cow farts are bad, so too are Kerry farts, s he should lead by example and repress his natural bodily urges. It a gross fact that if you hold in a fart long enough, the gas will dissipate into your bloodstream, so Kerry needs to knock it off with this brazen display farting privilege.

In reality, global warming is a complete scam that only makes rich people richer and everyone else poorer. The actual goal is to control people’s lives through fear mongering, because well-behaved drones are easier to exploit. Even so, John Kerry shouldn’t be tooting his ass horn at people in public.