Surprise! Liberals Defend Creepy Uncle Joe Biden’s Perverted Ways

I’d say this was some kind of a joke but every day is April Fool’s Day for liberals. Last week a former democratic candidate accused Joe Biden of smelling her hair and giving her an unwanted kiss. This comes in a long line of incidents where the former VP has inappropriately and creepily touched women and young girls. In the non-shocker of the year, liberals are defending pervert Biden, mostly because he’s a democrat. Now if he were a Republican the guy would be a rapist but thanks to that “D” after his name he not only gets a free pass but also a massive spin effort to make it seem like he isn’t a serial molester.

Last week Lucy Flores, a candidate for Lt. Gov. in Nevada, said that during a campaign event in 2014 Joe Biden grabbed her from behind, sniffed her hair, and then planted a big freaky kiss on her head. She also came up with what should be Biden’s 2020 campaign slogan: “Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?”

Here’ a picture of Biden smelling actress Eva Longoria’s hair from the same event:

This is not an isolated incident, as Biden has been creeping on woman and young girls for years. Check it this fun video of Biden’s greatest hits:

With that, the liberal machine came out in full-force to defend Biden, who they think stands the best chance of beating President Trump in 2020.

Here’s Illinois Senator Dick Durbin playing dumb by pretending he’s never even heard about Biden’s reputation for groping and kissing:

“I can tell you that Joe Biden is a friend and a seasoned veteran when it comes to political campaigns. I know nothing about the allegations that I also read this morning as well,” said Durbin.

I guess he doesn’t have a TV, Internet access, or ever picked up a paper in the past decade.

Then The Washington Post came out strong for Biden:

Affectionate, physical style? I don’t think I’ve ever seen sexual harassment framed in such innocent terms. If the Boston Strangler was a democrat the WaPo would have said his “hands-on approach” was misunderstood and probably have thrown in a “Republicans seize” type of thing to take the focus off.

Next there was Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski showing that her transformation into liberal hack is complete:

“There’s a lot of things I know about Joe Biden– I’ve known him for a long time — he is extremely affectionate extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way. I am sure that somebody can misconstrue something he’s done. But as much as I can know what’s in anyone’s heart, I don’t think there is bad intent on his part at all,” said Brzezinski.

Well shit, as long as he didn’t have bad intentions while he was grabbing and kissing females against their will, it’s all good. Now do Trump.

Actually, “conservative” Ana Navarro did Trump as her way of clearing Biden’s name:

All of the women who have accused President Trump of misconduct are liberal Democratic Party supporters who have absolutely no corroborating evidence. Everyone that Biden has smelled, kissed, and grabbed are democrats and there are pictures and video to back it up.

Somehow, that’s not even the dumbest thing about Navarro’s defense. She’s saying that because she thinks Trump did something worse that what Biden did doesn’t matter. This is like saying Pol Pot wasn’t a bad guy because he only killed 2 million people which pales in comparison to the 6 million Hitler exterminated. Guess what? Two things can be bad at the same time.

When the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke there was a brief period of time when liberals acknowledged that rape, groping, and sexual harassment were bad things. They have now reverted back to the Bill Clinton era of thinking where these things are only crimes if they are committed by conservatives.