More Hoggwash! Douchey David Wants to Be a Martyr

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from the now irrelevant David “The Glitter Princess” Hogg. And while I’m reluctant to give him any sort of attention, his latest antics are just too ridiculous to ignore. It seems that the fair Princess now wants his death to be photographed and publicized should he be killed as a result of “gun violence.” In other words, he wants to be made into a martyr in order to take away our Second Amendment rights.

Via The Hill

Parkland’s David Hogg requests photo of his death be publicized if he dies from gun violence

David Hogg, an activist who survived the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, requested on Friday that a photo of his death be publicized if he is ever a victim of gun violence.

Hogg took to Twitter to share a photo of a sticker placed on the back of his ID card. “In the event that I die from gun violence, please publicize the photo of my death,” the sticker reads.

Hogg’s sister, Lauren, also placed the sticker on her current high school ID card.

The sticker is part of a gun violence prevention project called #MyLastShot, which calls for the sticker to be added to a personal item such as a driver’s license or cellphone.

The initiative is led by current students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., the site of a deadly school shooting in 1999.

The goal of the campaign is to share gruesome or violent photos to “[present] the world with the harsh reality of gun violence” and spark change.

“Sometimes, it takes seeing the worst of humanity to bring out the best,” a student says in a promotional video.

The initiative cites how the graphic photo of Emmett Till, a black teenager who was brutally murdered in 1955, helped spark the civil rights movement.

Although I know many here would “pay to see that”, odds are that Davey boy isn’t going to be a victim of gun violence so we won’t get to see a picture of him perforated by lead. But I’ll do some work for him and see if his plan works. Here’s a couple pictures of victims of gun violence:

Pretty gross. But do they make any one of you want to give up your Second Amendment rights and surrender your firearms? Not me. If anything it serves as a reminder of what could happen to me if my right to self-defense was stripped from me by little shitheads like David. You see, Glitter Princess, it isn’t us law-abiding citizens committing the terrible crimes you want to prevent. Taking away OUR guns will do nothing to stop the violence. Indeed, it will only make it worse since theoretically no one but criminals will have access to firearms and no law-abiding citizen will be able to defend themselves.

“So while it’s easier to censor deaths from gun violence, we can’t ignore the true horror of what’s happening and beg for change at the same time,” the website states.

The #MyLastShot campaign was unveiled ahead of the 20th anniversary of the shooting at Columbine, which is next month.

Hogg, a graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, survived a school shooting last February that killed 17 people.

He and his sister have since become outspoken anti-gun violence advocates.

And so the little fairy presses on with his increasingly desperate attempts to disarm America. But we will not let that happen, David.

Oh, and by the way . . . you play tummy sticks with Richard Simmons every Saturday night don’t you, sizzle chest? Come on, admit it! We’re in the trust tree here.

I knew it.