Bernie Sanders Demands To Know Why ObamaCare Sucks So Bad

Everything the democrats plan on running on for 2020 is problematic for them but none more than the socialist behemoth known as “Medicare for All.” The reason this will be sticky for dems is because in order to push it they have to frame our current healthcare system as horrible. Currently we have ObamaCare, which is horrible, but it’s something that the democrats passed and insisted would fix everything. Bernie Sanders went out to yell at some kids on his lawn and also shook his fist at the Affordable Care Act.

Here’s a tweet Sander sent out with absolutely no sense of self-awareness:

Maybe he should demand answers from Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. Or perhaps he should be giving himself shit, since he voted for the Affordable Care Act (AKA ObamaCare). Lastly, he should give Joe Biden a call who proclaimed ObamaCare a “big f*cking deal” something that democrats put on a t-shirt and sold for fundraising.

ObamaCare passed through both chambers of Congress and was signed into law by Obama without one single vote from a Republican. This piece of crap law is all on the democrats. The Republicans have repeatedly tried to repeal it and democrats, plus dead RINO John McCain, have blocked it every time.

The funny thing here is that Sanders is acknowledging that ObamaCare is terrible and bankrupting people. This law, which he voted for, was touted as something that would lower premiums and improve healthcare. As you can see, Sanders included a little chart that shows how much higher premiums are under ObamaCare, proving the Affordable Care Act isn’t quite as affordable as he and the democrats promised.

Oddly enough, Sanders complains that ObamaCare is bankrupting the American people, but Medicare for All would actually cost many trillions of dollars more and still deliver the same shitty coverage. I’ve said this a million times: people who don’t understand how money works should not have a say in how this country spends money.

Sanders is demanding answers as to why ObamaCare sucks so bad. The short answer is because it’s socialism and socialism never works. Making this even kookier, Sanders is proposing replacing a failed socialist policy with a bigger more expensive socialist policy. What are the chances more socialism fixes failed socialism? You can’t get dry by jumping in the pool and you don’t put out a fire by dumping gas on it.

This is the liberalism in a nutshell: Democrats create a problem that never existed before and then insist they are the only ones who can fix it by doing more of the same.

In this tweet, Sanders is basically blaming the Republicans for the current problem with healthcare in this country. He says that anyone who opposes his Medicare for All bullshit owes him an answer about the failure of ObamaCare. Sorry bro, that’s not how it works. People who oppose socialism don’t owe him and explanation as to why they also oppose more socialism.