Beto O’Rourke Compares Trump To The Nazis With A Mountain Of Lies

When liberals have nothing to offer to the conversation (which is always) they shut things down with obscenities, threats of violence, and Nazi comparisons. Beto O’Rourke only just entered the 2020 campaign but he’s already spent his load and reached the end of his intellect by comparing President Trump to the Nazis. And because he is a liberal superstar, his comparison is based on easily disproved lies. Rock on, Beta O’Dork.

O’Rourke gave a speech to a room full of people who couldn’t have looked more disinterested if they were actually asleep. He told this story about how he once brought cards written by school children to veterans when a little Mexican girls asked him, “Why doesn’t the President like me?” I’m sure this story is a complete fabrication, but I know what O’Rourke said next is pure bullshit:

“When the President of the United States has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals,” started O’Rourke.

Actually, when Trump launched his presidential campaign what he said was that some illegal immigrants from Mexico are rapists and criminals, which is 100% true. He never said legal immigrants were criminals. He never said Mexicans were rapists. He never even said all illegal immigrants from Mexico were rapists and scumbags, just that some of them are. This is a complete lie that the left can’t let go of and that the liberal media lets slide.

“He then went on to call asylum seekers ‘Animals’ and an infestation” continued O’Rouke.

Wow! Really? President Trump specifically referred to the violent street gang MS-13 as “animals,” which they are. He called illegal immigrant criminals who rape and murder Americans an infestation, which it is. Either O’Rourke is telling a whopper of a lie here or he he thinks that killer rapists with face tattoos are “asylum seekers” which isn’t much better.

Now that O’Rouke has built a case against Trump using nothing but false information, here comes the Nazi shit:

“Now we would not be surprised, in the Third Reich other human beings beings were described as an infestation, as a cockroach, or a pest that you would want to kill. But to do that in 2017 0r 2018 in the United States of America doesn’t make sense,” finished O’Rourke.

In making this comparison between Trump and the Nazis, O’Rourke is stating very clearly that he thinks Trump is going to around up and exterminate the Mexicans the way Hitler did with the Jews. Even if what O’Rouke claims Trump said was true, this is still completely f*cking crazy. Keep in mind that this came out of the mouth of one of the Democratic Party’s frontrunners for 2020.

Also, I don’t want to get nitpicky, but when did the Nazis call anyone “cockroaches” and “pests you would want to kill”? It must be great to be a democrat because you can just make up any kind of bullshit you want and no one in the liberal media will call you out for it. If Trump made a statement this factually challenged, that’s all there would be on the news for a week. Hell, he mispronounced the word “origins” as “oranges” and that’s all CNN has been dwelling on for days.

Beto O’Rourke is a slacker hipster doofus so his Trump/Nazi comparison is nothing new; democrats have been doing this since the President took office. What I do find interesting is the amount of projection that goes with this:

The Nazis imposed their will on the people in no small part by disarming them and democrats would like to do the same thing with gun control.

The Nazis controlled the dissemination of information by taking control of the media and the democrats have a near monopoly on information thanks to the liberal media propaganda machine.

The Nazis did not tolerate dissent or opposing points of view and neither do the democrats.

The Nazis felt like the people’s money and labor belonged to the state, which is something democrats also believe in.

The Nazis were officially called The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the Democratic Party is moving quickly towards socialism.

I’m not comparing the democrats to the Nazis, but that’s only because we have a Constitution and a strong republic that prevents their fascist takeover of our country. I am saying if you are looking for some similarities, you find it al lot easier in the Democratic Party than President Trump’s lawful enforcement of existing immigration laws.