Joe Biden ‘Jokingly’ Gropes Little Boy To Prove He’s Not Creepy

The left has finally noticed, after years of being creepy, that Joe Biden tends to inappropriately touch people. In addition to the decades of pictures and video of Biden giving unwanted back rubs an kisses to women and young girls, several women have come out recently with their horror stories of the former VP manhandling and sniffing them. Biden is planning on running for president and this is not a good look for him so he tried to get in front of the controversy by jokingly groping a little boy. No, seriously. This is his plan.

Biden gave a speech to some union and when he took the stage he hugged International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers president Lonnie Stephenson. Then he told what was supposed to be a joke:

“I want you to know, I had permission to hug Lonnie,” said Biden.

The crowd erupted in laughter because there’s really nothing funnier to liberals than sexual assault and a harassment committed by other liberals. If this was President Trump or Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh it would have been a Constitutional crisis, but Biden smelling women’s hair is hilarious.

Biden wasn’t quite sure he hit his mark, so he pushed the “joke” further. Later in the speech he invited a bunch of young children up on the stage. He then pulled a young boy to the side and gave him a hug. This happens around the 40:00 minute point in the video.

“By the way, he gave me permission to touch him,” Biden said.

Wow! Biden’s fighting the public perception that he’s a creepy old man by grabbing a young boy and saying he had permission to touch him? Whatever campaign aide told Biden to do this should be fired immediately.

This comes off like: “Hey, I’m not a pervert. I had permission to touch this young boy.”

Michael Jackson’s estate may sue Biden for stealing the King of Pop’s intellectual property.

Just like the so-called joke from before, the crowd laughed and applauded because next to sexual harassment, nothing is funnier to liberals than pedophilia. Well, liberal pedophilia. Conservatives groping kids is still mortifying to them.

Right after Biden “joked” about the touching the boy, the youngster sprinted from the stage and who could blame him?

“I’m sorry it took so long. Everybody knows I like kids better than people,” Biden said.

It’s an interesting campaign strategy that Biden is trying to take the heat off of his busy hands by portraying himself as a child molester. Obviously it plays well with the base, but let’s see how it does in Iowa.

Joe Biden is unintentionally funny but his deliberate attempts at humor fall flat. President Trump on the other hand is hysterical and a master troller. After the most recent allegations of Biden’s inappropriate touching came out, he made this video where he definitely doesn’t apologize for anything.

Trump then tweeted this video in response and it’s one of the greatest things he’s done since taking office:

And then Biden hit back with this lame response:

What would Joe Biden know about being presidential? He’s failed multiple times at running for president and his creepiness is going to keep him out of the White House once again.