Comrade Bernie Kisses Al Sharpton’s Ass; Champions Reparations Bill

Communism and racism were on full display last week…

It was a grotesque and sickening spectacle as Democrat 2020 presidential contenders made the pilgrimage to New York City to kiss Al Sharpton’s ring out of the hopes of landing his prized endorsement.

With the race to the bottom now underway, this is what it has come down to for the pathetic remains of what was once a legitimate political party; pandering to a race-baiting charlatan and hateful demagogue who was once relegated to the fringes.

In saner times, Reverend Al was radioactive but back then, Democrats actually tried to appeal to moderates, swing state voters and especially the now fully-demonized white working class but those days have already receded into the pass.

All of that began to change when Sharpton was a frequent guest of former President Barack Obama at the White House, landed a gig as a host on MSNBC and in 2019, he has become a kingmaker with supplicants willing to do or say anything for his blessing.

So it was on Friday when socialist codger Bernie Sanders walked back his already lame opposition to reparations to curry favor with the reverend at the National Action Network convention.

Sanders had come under fire from the fanatical base for not going whole hog on the idea that it is acceptable for the government to forcibly steal money from white people who never owned a slave to give it to those who had never been subjected for slavery.

But never one to show a semblance of a spine outside of his Twitter tirades, the geriatric senator meekly fell in line just like he did when he puckered up and planted his lips on Hillary’s ass at the Democratic National Convention in 2016.

Via Yahoo News, “Bernie Sanders says ‘there should be a study’ on slavery reparations”:

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders slightly modified his position on reparations when he joined a slew of other Democratic presidential candidates on Friday, saying he now supports studying the possibility of payments.

Sanders, who has made earning support of black voters a central part of his White House bid, has previously said he does not back directly compensating the African-American community for the damage wrought by slavery and segregation. However, when pressed by the Rev. Al Sharpton at the National Action Network convention in Manhattan, Sanders expressed willingness to pass a law that would establish a commission to study the feasibility of reparations if he becomes president.

Sharpton has asked each of the presidential candidates at the convention if they would back the legislation as president.

“If the House and Senate passed that bill, of course I would sign it,” Sanders said.

Rather than show some gumption by being the odd man out by opposing such a socialist anti-American proposal, Sanders humiliated himself anew when he sucked up to Sharpton and the rest of the divisive grievance-mongers who have transformed the Democratic party into an openly racist entity.

Joining Comrade Bernie were other Dem hopefuls who all stood behind the wealth confiscation scheme championed by the beaming Sharpton.

With the orgy of groveling that went on during the audition, one has to wonder if there is ANYTHING that these political ghouls wouldn’t do.

Then for good measure:

The more that they talk, the more that non-radicalized Americans are recoiling in horror at this freak show that just may finish Mrs. Clinton’s job of destroying the Democratic party.

And a dyed-in-the-wool communist will lead them into political exile.