Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Ok, repeat after me Delporables, Monday Sucks, Monday Sucks, Monday Sucks…

Watch These Well-Adjusted #Resistance Folks Sing About The Pee Tape

Via The Federalist

The Resistance has discovered the power of song, and it could be devastating for President Trump. Protesters gathered by Move On and Rise and Resist in Manhattan on Thursday incorporated some new music into their demonstration.

A songbook distributed among the resistors featured spins on timeless classics like “Dancing Queen” and “Last Train To Clarksville,” hilariously revamped as “Puppet King” and “Next Plane To Moscow.” With poignant lyrics such as, “You can dance, you can jive, tweeting out lie after lie,” the movement has never seemed hipper or less desperate.

Journalist Michael Tracey documented the singalong on Twitter. The protesters’ rousing rendition of “We Will Survive,” set to Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive,” was especially arresting. According to video published by Tracey, an activist introduced the song as “number 12 in the hymnal,” before adult demonstrators sang about Trump “blowing Vladimir” and the “pee-pee tape.” (Be sure to stick around for the kazoo interlude.) Impeachment is surely imminent.

Read the entire article HERE.

Was John Brennan The Russia Lie Ringleader?

Via Zero Hedge

Over the past two years, one of their biggest “tells” has been their hyper-aggressive and gratuitous attacks on the president. Given that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no collusion or obstruction of justice, their constant broadsides now look, in retrospect, like calculated pre-emptive strikes to deflect attention and culpability away from themselves.

By accusing Mr. Trump of what they themselves were guilty of, they created a masterful distraction through projection.

We now know that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, are hip-deep in the conspiracy. Both wrote supposed “tell-all” books and carpet-bombed the media with interviews in which they regularly flung criminal accusations against the president. Whenever asked about their own roles, they reverted to denouncing Mr. Trump.

With Mr. Mueller’s findings, Mr. Comey’s and Mr. McCabe’s media benders look increasingly suspicious.

As do those of their comrades in the Obama national security apparatus, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and his partner in possible crime, former CIA Director John Brennan, who, apart from former President Barack Obama himself, may be the biggest player of them all.

Any investigation into the origins and execution of the Big Lie must focus on Mr. Brennan, whose job as the nation’s chief spook would have prohibited him, by law, from engaging in any domestic political spy games.

Of course, the law didn’t stop him from illegally spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee by hacking into its computers and lying repeatedly about it, prompting Democratic senators to call for his resignation.

Once out of Langley, Mr. Brennan tore into Mr. Trump, accusing him of “treason” (among other crimes) in countless television appearances and bitter tweets. It got so vicious that Mr. Trump pulled his security clearance.

Read the entire article HERE.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Defends Smollett Decision, Accuses Critics Of Colluding With ‘White Supremacists’

Via The Daily Wire

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx defended her office’s decision to drop 17 charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett and, alongside familiar Chicago community activists like Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL), lashed out at her critics, at one point even suggesting her critics were “racist” and colluding with “white supremacists.”

The Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago’s largest police union, held a protest Friday, attracting dozens of Foxx’s detractors who demanded Foxx resign from office after a series of prosecutorial errors and bad decisions, culminating with the decision to allow Smollett to walk free despite what police say is ample evidence that Smollett organized a “hate crime” hoax against himself.

Saturday, Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH colition held a rally in support of Foxx. Speaking to a small crowd, Foxx defended her Smollett decision and implied that there were more sinister forces at work behind the collection of critics now questioning her fitness for office, according to Fox News.

“I have been asking myself for the last two weeks what is this really about,” Foxx told the rally. “As someone who has lived in this city [Chicago], who came up in the projects of this city to serve as the first African American woman in this role, it is disheartening to me … that when we get in these positions somehow the goalposts change.”

Read the entire article HERE.

All the Progressive Plotters

Via American Greatness

America over the last half-century had been nursed on the dogma that the Left was the guarantor of civil liberties. That was the old message of the battles supposedly waged on our behalf by the ACLU, the free-speech areas on campuses, and the Earl Warren Court.

Not now. The left believes that almost any means necessary, extra-legal and anti-constitutional or not, are justified to achieve their noble ends. Progressive luminaries at CNN and the New York Times have lectured us that reporters need not be disinterested any more in the age of Trump—or that it might be a crime to shout “lock her up” at a Trump rally. Will those standards apply to coverage of future Democratic presidents?

No reporter seems to care that Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national to work with other foreign nationals to sabotage, first, her opponent’s campaign, then his transition and his presidency, along with the wink and nod help from key Obama officials at the Department of Justice, State Department, National Security Council, FBI and CIA.

The final irony? If the CIA, FBI, and DOJ have gone the banana republic way of Lois Lerner’s IRS and shredded the Constitution, they still failed to remove Donald Trump.

Trump still stands. In Nietzschean fashion what did not kill him apparently only made him stronger.

Read the entire article HERE.

Hiring boycott called against Sarah Sanders, Stephen Miller, Kirstjen Nielsen, other Trump immigration aides

Via The Washington Examiner

Fortune 500 firms are being urged to rip up the resumes of Trump immigration aides linked to policies that led to the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Many of you spoke out against this barbaric policy. However strong the opposition, your words are meaningless unless they are backed up with resolute action,” said a letter from a group called Restore Public Trust promoting its “Trump Administration Separation” campaign.

“We call on you to make it clear that you will not hire for employment, contract for consulting, or seat on your boards, anyone involved in the development or implementation of the Trump administration’s family separation immigration policy,” added the letter signed by several other liberal groups including the Southern Poverty Law Center, Moms Rising, American Bridge, and Allied Progress.

Read the entire article HERE.

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