Here’s Proof That Democrats Don’t Really Like Illegal Immigrants

The fake news liberal media reported that President Trump was considering releasing illegal immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, which if true, is hilarious. What makes the story even funnier is that the democrats who represent these sanctuary cities are freaking the hell out that the President considered dumping these illegals in their districts. Democrats tell us that illegal immigrants enrich our country and make it safer somehow, but when it comes down to it, they don’t want these scumbags around any more than the rest of us. NIMBY, bitches.

Some newspaper in Washington that keeps all of their content behind a paywall reported that a plan was floated by the White House to alleviate overcrowding in detention facilities by releasing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. This plan never went beyond a mere suggestion, but because it involves Donald Trump naturally the left lost its collective shit.

Fox News reports that Nancy Pelosi was furious:

“The extent of this Administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings—including little children—as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable, and in some cases, criminal. The American people have resoundingly rejected this Administration’s toxic anti-immigrant policies, and Democrats will continue to advance immigration policies that keep us safe and honor our values,” said a Pelosi spokesperson.

I’m a little confused. Doesn’t Pelosi love illegal immigrants? She has said that the rapists and murderers of the illegal violent street gang MS-13 have a “spark of divinity.” She has compared illegal immigrants to both Moses and Jesus. Why would she be so mad that Trump wanted to dump these little angels in her district?

Also, is it just me or does it seem like Pelosi is acknowledging that illegal immigrants bring crime and filth with them? Why would releasing illegal immigrants in San Francisco demonize them if they are such law-abiding good people? The answer is, it wouldn’t. The demonization would come from the mayhem the illegals would unleash and the public backlash over it.

Pencil Neck Shifty Adam Schitt was also outraged by this plan to enrich his life with people he claims to adore:

Didn’t Schiff, Pelosi, and the House democrats shut down the government over their refusal to fund border security? I guess it’s only bad when Trump uses illegal immigrants as pawns, huh?

Adam Schiff is my Representative, which sucks, but also means the I live in his district so I’m glad President Trump didn’t dump a bunch of illegals here. Then again, I don’t think I would have noticed the difference since this place is crawling with them already.

CNN obviously isn’t an elected representative of the people but they do serve as the official propaganda ministry for the Democratic Party, so they got in on the faux outrage as well:

Wow! Jefferey Toobon just called illegal immigrants a “pestilence.” I can’t say that I disagree with him but this is the same guy that flipped his lid when Trump called MS-13 “animals.” Why is it bad for Trump to call rapists and murderes “animals” but okay for Toobin to say all illegal immigrants are an epidemic disease that threatens to destroy civilization as we know it? The answer to that is because Toobin is not Trump.

This basically what just happened:

Democrats: Let these people in the country. They are good folks who are simply looking to escape violence and will make our country a better and more diverse place.

Trump: Okay. How about I put them in your districts so you can reap the benefits of their awesomeness?

Democrats: Hang on there, Nazi. Stop trying to demonize these people who we would prefer not be anywhere near us.

Isn’t the point of sanctuary cities supposed to be a places where illegal immigrants can hang around without having to worry about being held accountable to the law? This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that democrats don’t like illegal immigrants and are using them as a means to resist the duly-elected President of the United States.

When it comes down to it, democrats don’t want these scumbags dragging down their property values and turning their neighborhoods into third-world hellholes. They’re cool with that happening to the rest of America, but not in their backyards.