Illinois Passes Law To Keep Trump Off The Ballot In 2020

Have you ever noticed how everything the democrats accuse Trump of is bogus and that they are the ones who actually guilty? They said he colluded with a foreign power to influence the 2016 election when it turns out they are the ones who did that. They accuse him of rigging the election to favor himself and, wouldn’t you know it, the Illinois state legislature just passed a law to keep Donald Trump off of the 2020 ballot. “Rigging” can be seen as a lot of different things, but it is universally accepted that making it impossible to vote for a candidate is just that.

WBEZ reports:

The Democratic-led Illinois Senate voted Thursday to compel President Trump to release five years’ worth of his personal income tax returns or be barred from appearing on the state’s presidential ballot next year.

The state is joining a movement of other Democratic states that aims to force the president to open up his personal finances by releasing his tax returns, something he stubbornly has refused to do and reiterated again this week.

“If you want to run for vice president or president of the United States, hey, what’s wrong with providing your tax returns for the past five years? If you’ve got nothing to hide, you shouldn’t worry about anything. That’s how I see it,” said state Senator Tony Munoz, cosponsor of the bill.

In a straight party line vote, the bill passed 36-19 and now heads to the heavily democratic majority Illinois House where it will most certainly pass onto the democratic governor’s desk.

There are similar bills pending in 17 states, which seems odd because there aren’t 17 liberal states in America. I guess a liberal lunatic can propose a bill in any state, but that doesn’t mean it will pass. I do believe stupid bills like this could pass in California, New York, and maybe a few other places like Washington or Maryland.

Just for shits and giggles, let’s pretend that a bill to keep the Republican candidate off the ballot is constitutional and that several big liberals states pass it. So what? It won’t make a dman bit of difference because a Republican will never win CA, NY, or Illinois anyways. It will however be hilarious when Trump still mops the floor with the democratic nominee and he’s not even on the ballot if 5 or 6 states.

This is of course part of the sad effort by the left to get Trump. They had everything invested in ousting the duly-elected President over Russian collusion but the Mueller report squashed that. Now, they think that there’s something in Trump’s tax returns that will get him out of office. The House democrats have filed several requests with the IRS to get Trump’s returns and they’ve even introduced a bill compelling him to release them. Guess what? Trump’s tax returns are going to be an even bigger nothing burger than special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Here’s the thing about Trump: over the past 3 or 4 decades Donald Trump has been the highest profile rich guy in the country. The IRS would like nothing better than to get him on something and have gone over his tax returns with a fine-toothed comb every year. They have never found even the slightest hint of impropriety on his part. If and when Trump releases his tax returns, it’s going to show that he’s rich and pays a shitload of taxes.

Another glaring hypocrisy here is that democrats are always whining that Republicans are trying to suppress voting rights. Somehow asking people to prove who they are before they vote is suppression, but excluding a major party candidate from the ballot is not.

The democrats are taking incremental steps, but what they really want is a system in which only they are allowed to win elections. And no matter how you look at it, that’s called rigging.