Dem Dumpster Fire: Pelosi Is Now Downplaying Mueller Report

A funny thing happened on the way to the impeachment…

Mueller Who? Democrat Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi continues to buck the most fanatical elements of the party base.

The long-awaited Mueller is now released to the public and the diehard Trump haters are busily scheming new conspiracies that they will be able to spawn even though the special counsel’s costly witch hunt failed to deliver the goods on Russian collusion.

But like the Grinch who stole Christmas, Pelosi has already swooped down on Whoville and is spoiling the party while at the same time, downplaying the role that she herself played in promoting what may go down as the greatest hoax in American history.

In an interview from Ireland where Pelosi is on yet another junket with taxpayers footing the bill, the septuagenarian congresswoman stunned her own troops by shifting the focus from tinfoil hattery to “kitchen table issues” that Americans really care about in turnabout that has likely given her own heads of House investigative committees a serious case of whiplash.

DNC propaganda arm MSNBC broke the bad news:

“Speaker Pelosi says people are more concerned about ‘kitchen table issues’ than the Mueller report”

Which some may interpret as circumstantial evidence that Pelosi has already been fed advance leaks on that is likely to be a triple-decker nothingburger and certainly not the damning smoking gun that unhinged Trump haters have been hoping would lead to the reversal of that lost election that drove them into collective madness.

Pelosi’s straying from the DNC script on Russia, Russia, Russia comes in the same week when she humiliated socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by mocking her on CBS’s flagship “60 Minutes” and then for good measure, spiking the ball by saying that a “glass of water” with a D on it could have won New York’s 14th congressional district.

There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth on top of the fury that has already been unleashed on Pelosi for the belated but glorious housebreaking of AOC who she may as well have just smacked with a rolled up newspaper for soiling the rug but credit her for acknowledging that it was always a scam.

Pelosi is many things but one thing that she isn’t is stupid and she now understands that RussiaGate is a big loser with the majority of American voters who polls have repeatedly shown have never seen it as a priority over those “kitchen table issues” that her party has ignored and now may come back to bite them in the ass next November.

That would be the impression according to accounts from real America…

As reported by USA Today, “As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk ‘kitchen-table’ issues”:

Despite the Washington intrigue over the Mueller report, many Democrats say they’re not hearing much about it at town halls or in the grocery store aisles when they return to their districts.
Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., said he usually runs into someone who brings up the subject every day.

But “the vast majority of what I hear is about kitchen-table issues,” Kildee said. “People just talk about their own situation.”

The issue of the Mueller report barely came up at a three-day House Democratic retreat in suburban Virginia that ended Friday.

Instead, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders projected a focus on day-to-day issues, such as lower prescription drug prices, better roads and equal pay, they believe will resonate with voters in 2020 just as they did last year when they won back the House.

Whether it is still possible to change course for the ship of fools that she is in command of remains to be seen but given the evidence, it’s doubtful.