SCALP HIM! Pocahontas Is First 2020 Democrat To Call For Trump’s Impeachment

Never mind that the Mueller report absolved President Trump of having colluded with the Kremlin to sabotage Hillary Clinton, the moonbats are still shrieking for his impeachment and moving the goal posts to the more nebulous accusation of obstruction.

By now anyone with a smidgen of common sense – as well as decency – has already realized that they have been lied to by Democrats and the media ever since Trump pulled off the stunning upset that sent millions into madness.

Democrats not only continue to abuse their power to nullify the 2016 election and disenfranchise around 63 million Americans who cast their votes for Trump, but with roughly 18 months until the next election, they are refusing to address real issues but instead are focusing on avenging Mrs. Clinton.

Or in the case of the actual 2020 candidates who would all be pulverized by the incumbent Trump, some have a vested interest in removing him from the equation so that they don’t have to run against him.

Some like Senator Elizabeth Warren aka Pocahontas who became the first 2020 player to demand that the House Of Representatives commence impeachment proceedings.

Princess Shrieking Moonbat issued her war whoop on MSNBC where she was a guest of conspiracy queen Rachel Maddow.

Via The Washington Free Beacon, “Warren Becomes First 2020 Candidate to Call for Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump”:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) became the first 2020 presidential candidate to call for the initiation of impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump on Friday, calling it the “constitutional duty” of Congress following the findings of the Robert Mueller report.

Warren sent out a series of tweets Friday afternoon saying the partially redacted Mueller report released Thursday had laid out the facts of Russian interference in the 2016 election and wrote Trump “obstructed the investigation into that attack.” There was no other recourse for his actions than impeachment, she said.

“To ignore a President’s repeated efforts to obstruct an investigation into his own disloyal behavior would inflict great and lasting damage on this country, and it would suggest that both the current and future Presidents would be free to abuse their power in similar ways,” she tweeted. “The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States.”

Warren told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday that she read the full report and insisted it wasn’t anything personal regarding Trump, with whom she has clashed repeatedly.

“This isn’t about politics,” Warren said. “This isn’t even specifically about Donald Trump himself. It is about what a president of the United States should be able to do, and what the role of Congress is in saying, no, a president does not get to come in and stop an investigation about a foreign power that attacked this country or an investigation about his own wrongdoing.”

Warren’s campaign is already in heap big trouble with her running far behind the likes of Creepy Joe, Comrade Bernie, and even Mayor Pete and her call for impeachment looks like a desperate cry for attention to prevent further slippage.

Pocahontas has always been a terrible candidate, she is shrill, silly and annoying and may be the one woman in America who is even more disliked than Hillary.

It didn’t help her any that she has had to admit to being a fake Indian either.

She may stand out for a few hours but expect the rest of the zanies to also call for impeachment now.