Cori Bush–Missouri’s Contribution to ‘The Squad’

Cori  Bush is currently serving as the U.S. Representative for Missouri’s 1st congressional district. The district includes all of the city of St. Louis and most of northern St. Louis County. This from

A member of the Democratic Party, on August 4, 2020, Bush defeated 10-term incumbent Lacy Clay in a 2020 U.S. House of Representatives primary election largely viewed as a historic upset, advancing to the November general election in a solidly democrat congressional district. Bush is the first African-American woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri.








Bush Roasted For Defending ‘Extremely Violent’ Jail Riot.              Riot 4/3/21–Windows Broken, Fires Set.

Soon after being sworn in, Bush joined “The Squad,” a group of progressive democrat lawmakers, which is backed and provided operating instructions by the Justice Democrats. 

Note: The ‘Justice Democrats’ is a federal political action committee (PAC) that was founded in Los Angeles, California, with the aim of transforming the Democrat Party by supporting progressive challengers to unseat Democrats who the group believes are “aligning with Wall Street over working men and women.

During her campaign, Bush advocated defunding the United States Armed Forces. After receiving criticism from Representative Kevin McCarthy and a St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial, Bush clarified that she supported the reallocation of defense funding to healthcare and low-income communities.

Bush is a progressive Democrat, supporting policies such as criminal justice and police reformabortion rightsMedicare for All, a $15 minimum wagetuition-free state college and trade school, and canceling student debt. She was endorsed by, and is a member of, the Democratic Socialists of America. Bush is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

On January 6, 2021, hours after people entered the U.S. Capitol, Bush introduced resolution H.Res.25 to investigate and expel members of the House who stated the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump.

On January 29, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accepted her request, Bush announced she was changing offices from the Longworth House Office Building after Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene “berated” her and her staff in a hallway and refused to wear a mask. Greene accused Bush of calling for violence against a couple involved in the controversial July 2020 march through a gated St. Louis suburb.

In announcing her support for the second impeachment of President Trump, Bush called the attack on the Capitol a “white supremacist insurrection” incited by the “white supremacist-in-chief.”

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has come under fire for her statement defending the “extremely violent” mayhem from the prison rioters at a St. Louis jail, empathizing with them by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr by calling it an acceptable form of protest and saying she would work to address their grievances. This from

The chaos in the downtown St. Louis jail erupted early Saturday morning when inmates at the City Justice Center led an hours-long window-smashing and fire-starting melee after a prisoner jumped a guard. It took over eight hours for correction officers to bring an end to the “extremely violent” pandemonium.

“‘A riot is the language of the unheard,’” Bush tweeted, quoting Martin Luther King Jr. 

“I want to talk to my constituents in the window. Their lives and their rights must be protected,” Bush added, referring to the inmates. “My team and I are working to ensure that the urgent needs of people who are incarcerated are not ignored.”

Bush, whose congressional district includes St. Louis, also released a statement, concerning the jail riot.

What say you Def-Con News readers? The number of rabble rousers in Congress is growing. Justice Democrats control every one of the young newcomers to the democrat party. Their campaigns were financed, they were supported, and now they are marching to the tune of the Justice Democrats who have unfavorable intentions for America. President Trump you are missed, sir.