Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


A Nation at War With Itself

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The campaign of 2020 is on. And the stakes are huge. Not only are the first and second branches of government in play, so, too, is the third, the Supreme Court. Many Democrats, refusing to accept the success of the 50-year conservative long march to capture the court, are determined to pack an expanded court with liberal justices to overturn the conservatives’ victory.

With Republicans having won two presidential elections in 20 years, with fewer popular votes, Democrats are also resolved to rewrite the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College.

Not only ex-convicts but felons in prison must now be allowed to vote, says Bernie Sanders, even if that means the Boston Marathon bomber.

Under the Sanders reform, if someone murders you, he is still entitled to an absentee ballot. The right to vote is apparently more sacred than the right to life. Truly, this is the divination of democracy.

Trump’s defiance of House subpoenas will fire up his base, which sees the world as he does and has never cottoned to what President Gerald Ford cherished as “the politics of compromise and consensus.”

Whatever may be said about the “deplorables,” they are not obtuse. They do not believe that people who call them racists, sexists, nativists and bigots are friends and merely colleagues of another party or persuasion.

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden Launches 2020 Campaign With Dark Video Based on Charlottesville Lie

Via American Greatness

Former vice president Joe Biden launched his 2020 campaign for president Thursday morning with a dark and divisive video based on the Charlottesville lie.

In the video, Biden calls the August, 2017 “Unite the Right” rally a “defining moment in our nation,” where “klansmen and white supremacists and neo-nazis came out in the open, their crazed faces illuminated by torches, veins bulging and baring the fangs of racism, chanting the same anti-Semitic bile heard in the 1930’s.”

These villains, with their “crazed faces, bulging veins and fangs” were met by “a courageous group of Americans,” he continued, “and violent clashes ensued and a brave young woman lost her life.” Biden conveniently forgot to mention that violent members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter were among the group counter-protesting.

Biden then disdainfully referenced the oft-repeated lie that President Trump referred to the racist group as “very fine people.”

Read the entire article HERE.

No One Likes You, Kirsten Gillibrand

Via The Federalist

Presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been consistently polling less than 1 percent among the Democratic candidates for over a month. When asked about her lack of support on “The View” Wednesday, Gillibrand repeated the numbers that show on paper why she should be more likable than she is.

“I’ve brought my state together and had the highest vote threshold of 72 percent. Higher than any presidential candidate who has run in New York state. Higher than any gubernatorial or senatorial candidate,” she said.

Gillibrand said she was not concerned about polls, because her race is, “a marathon, not a sprint.” But we know her campaign has concerns, and is looking for explanations. In a campaign memo obtained by The New York Times, staffers suggested that her low fundraising totals could be attributed to backlash over Gillibrand calling for the resignation of Sen. Al Franken in 2017 after he was accused of sexual harassment.

“There’s no question that the first quarter was adversely impacted by certain establishment donors—and many online—who continue to punish Kirsten for standing up for her values and for women,” the memo reads.

Read the entire article HERE.

Is Michelle Obama the Democratic stealth nominee?

Via The American Thinker

Joe Biden joined 19 other Democrat presidential candidates who appear to be serving as crash dummies until Michelle Obama as America’s 6th most popular and 2nd most famous public figure jumps in.

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign launch was supposed to provide a left of center alternative to blunt Republican President Donald Trump’s dominance in the key Midwest working-class electoral issues of national sovereignty and economic nationalism.

“Good Old Joe” expected to launch his campaign three weeks ago following a Washington D.C. speech to the International Brotherhood of Election Workers union where he promised to represent traditional liberal and moderate Democrats that want a president that can be bipartisan to get things done and will stand up to the politics that’s “gotten so damn elitist.”

But “Crazy Joe” then swallowed his foot by trying to make a joke of his “personal connection” style that has included crossing physical boundaries with women, by claiming he had “permission” to hug the union leader who introduced him. Some males chuckled, but the line visibly angered activist women that see “Creepy Joe” as unredeemable.

Read the entire article HERE.

Global Effort Begins To Stop Social Media From Spreading Terrorism


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that she and French President Emmanuel Macron will lead a global effort to stop social media from promoting terrorism in the wake of recent attacks that devastated New Zealand and Sri Lanka.

“This isn’t about freedom of expression; this is about preventing violent extremism and terrorism online,” Ardern told reporters at a news conference in Auckland on Wednesday.

She described how the white supremacist gunman in Christchurch, who killed 50 people at two mosques in March, had no right to livestream the attack. Wearing a camera attached to a helmet, he broadcast his shooting spree on Facebook; the company later removed the video. “What we’re trying to tackle here is a global issue and therefore I think requires a global response,” she said.

Macron and Ardern plan to host a meeting with world leaders and tech company executives in Paris on May 15, alongside a Tech for Humanity meeting of digital ministers from leading industrial nations.

Read the entire article HERE.

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