Biden Declares Candidacy Then Hires Anti-White Racist As Senior Advisor

So it came to pass on Thursday, April 25, 2019, that old Foghorn Leghorn finally got up the gumption to formally launch his latest campaign for the presidency.

Former Vice President Joe Biden aka the Great White Hope has now crammed himself into the Democrat clown car following a series of allegations by women that he improperly groped them and as a symbol of a bygone era before his party became overtly hostile to white people.

Biden’s shameless reinvention of himself to appeal to a racist, socialist, misandrist base included a launch video that once again distorted the events that took place in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 and allowed the lying left to smear Trump supporters as white supremacists and Nazis.

He also appeared to praise the black-clad fascist thugs ANTIFA who instigated the confrontation and then for good measure to show that he’s the champion of oppressed blacks, he quickly tabbed CNN’s Symone Sanders as a senior advisor despite her history of making anti-white racist remarks including one that should have disqualified her for the job.

Via The Washington Examiner, “Biden senior adviser: We don’t need white men leading the Democratic Party”:

Symone Sanders, who has just joined Joe Biden’s presidential campaign as a senior adviser, must have reconsidered her earlier position on Democratic Party leadership.

In November 2016, shortly after President Trump’s victory, Sanders told CNN’s Brianna Keilar that “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now.”

“The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership and throughout the staff at the highest levels from the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC,” she added.

The comments were puzzling at the time, considering Sanders, an African American, had earlier served as press secretary for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. Since leaving that position, she has worked as a political strategist and CNN contributor.

Here’s more from Sanders:

This is really going to win over a lot of those white working class Rust Belt voters who crossed party lines to vote for Trump (HA HA) and who aren’t going to take kindly to being smeared as deplorable racists again this time around.

In less than 24 hours, Biden’s campaign is already a dumpster fire…