Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

The weekend has FINALLY arrived, enjoy it while it lasts Deplorables.

Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe

By Ben Garrison

Former Vice President and Senator Joe Biden has had a lot of nicknames over the years including “Uncle Joe,” “Blue Collar Joe,” and “Lunch Bucket Joe.”

He is called ‘Creepy Joe’ because of his habit of groping and sniffing females of all ages. President Trump recently dubbed Biden “Sleepy Joe,” which inspired this cartoon. Biden is not the brightest bulb, but he is considered a ‘moderate’ Democrat and some think that might make him more electable than the other gaggle of crazy socialists currently running.

Biden is 76 years old–just a year younger than that old commie crank, Bernie Sanders. I remember when the Democrats shamelessly attacked Ronald Reagan for his age—he was 73 when he was elected president. If elected, Biden would easily eclipse Reagan’s record–but being old and white may not be in Sleepy Joe’s favor. He also carries plenty of baggage including the Ukraine scandal, in which Vice President Biden pulled strings to make a deal that included his son raking in big money after being appointed to a board of a top Ukraine gas company. Biden plagiarized material for his speeches and called Obama ‘clean.’ Obama has not even endorsed him.

Sleepy Joe’s announcement came with the usual and predictable attack on Trump. Biden claimed Trump supports ‘white supremacists’ which is clearly not true except to those brainwashed with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

An election strategy of ad hominem attacks is all the Democrats have. They have no fresh ideas other than the ridiculous ‘Green New Deal,’ so they instead try to drum up anti-Trump hatred by calling him a racist, bigot, and homophobe. Without any evidence, logic, or reason of course.

Sleepy Joe may be dreaming of the White House, but his game plan is weak. Using empty platitudes and slogans will not serve Biden well—just like they didn’t help Hillary.

Sleepy Joe will put the voters to sleep.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

How the Deep State Russia Conspirators May Escape

Via American Greatness

The Russian collusion conspirators spend a lot of time in public seemingly unconcerned they will go to jail. That tells me they know something we don’t.

Here’s what I think it is.

In his press conference last week releasing Robert Mueller’s redacted report, Attorney General Bill Barr lauded the special counsel’s work in tracking down Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

That part of the investigation, Barr suggests, was justified.

John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper et al. will cite Barr’s congratulatory message to say that whatever they did to stop the Red Menace from interfering in our democracy makes them American heroes.

That will leave the question of why they spied on Trump. They’ll answer, “We can’t tell you because then Putin will know our secrets.”

Let’s say it doesn’t end there and somehow sufficient political will coalesces to get the conspirators to say why they targeted Trump. Here’s their story, and they’re going to stick with it:

Brennan will tell us that President Obama became concerned about Russian interference way back in 2015 and instructed the CIA to use all intelligence tools at its disposal to get to the bottom of it.

One of the tools at his disposal is the Five Eyes agreement, a 1946 anachronism that permits the CIA to work with British Intelligence to stop Russia when it is trying to mess with our way of life.

Brennan will say, “MI6 expressed serious concerns about persons associated with the Trump campaign and their connections to Russia. I then got the FBI involved because the CIA cannot gather intelligence about American citizens.”

The Brits, we will be told, started it.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

By John W. Whitehead

Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.

This is America’s dirty little secret.

Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.

As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes, “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.”

Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry.

According to USA Today, adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.

Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life.

“They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

In Georgia alone, it is estimated that 7,200 men (half of them in their 30s) seek to purchase sex with adolescent girls each month, averaging roughly 300 a day.

On average, a child might be raped by 6,000 men during a five-year period of servitude.

It is estimated that at least 100,000 children—girls and boys—are bought and sold for sex in the U.S. every year, with as many as 300,000 children in danger of being trafficked each year. Some of these children are forcefully abducted, others are runaways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances.

Read the entire article HERE.

CA Logic: Raise Gas Taxes, Then Demand An Investigation Into Why Gas Prices Are High

By Mac Slavo

California is home to some of the most power-hungry politicians on Earth. These people actually hiked the gasoline tax, and are now demanding an investigation into why gas prices are higher in California than elsewhere in the United States. It would be sad if it wasn’t so insane.

California Governor Gavin Newson is demanding an investigation into why the state’s gas prices are so high. But as Reason points out, it’s not all that difficult to see what that California politicians are the culprit. In fact, the reason the gas prices are high is that Newsom (and other politicians) raised taxes on gasoline.

As lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom supported a 2017 bill increasing the state’s gas taxes. When running for governor in 2018, he opposed a ballot initiative that would have repealed that same increase, reported Reason. But like all politicians, Newsom is unwilling to admit that he and his comrades in the California government have caused the problem. So begins the finger-pointing. The governor sent a letter to the California Energy Commission (CEC) on Tuesday demanding that the state agency “investigate” California’s roughly $4.03 per gallon gas prices, which are currently the highest in the country. Those prices are also well above the national average of $2.86 per gallon.

“Independent analysis suggests that an unaccounted-for price differential exists in California’s gas prices and that this price differential may stem in part from inappropriate industry practices,” wrote Newsom in his letter to the CEC. “These are all important reasons for the Commission to help shed light on what’s going on in our gasoline market.”

California currently imposes the second-highest gas taxes in the country.

Read the entire article HERE.

HATE HOAX: Family Accused of Staging Anti-Semitic Attack on Their Own Restaurant

Via Big League Politics

A Canadian family stands accused of committing a hate crime against itself, attacking its own business with anti-Semitic graffiti.

“Alexander Berent, 56, Oxana Berent, 48, and Maxim Berent, 29, have all been charged with public mischief after telling Canadian officers swastikas had been drawn on the walls of their restaurant,” according to Daily Mail.

The family owned the BerMax Caffé in Winnipeg.

All three told police that one of the owners was assaulted while alleged neo-Nazis busted into the store and graffitied the walls. The story turned out to be completely false, with police calling it “the most brazen” hate crime hoax in the city’s history.

Read the entire article HERE.

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