Mayor Pete Kisses Al Sharpton’s Ring; Gets High Praise From Race Baiter

Now that the media has successfully elevated his national profile, Pete Buttigieg aka Mayor Pete has completed a necessary ritual that checks off one more box of requirements for the Democratic party nomination.

The constructed candidate and likely Hillary Clinton running mate made the pilgrimage to Harlem to break bread with racial grievance grifter Al Sharpton at the world famous Sylvia’s soul food restaurant for a photo op that featured Mrs. Clinton’s bottle of hot sauce on the table.

Despite his inexperience, Buttigieg rates high on the intersectionality pyramid for being an openly gay man with a hunky hubby that the media is absolutely drooling over and an industry that has a disproportionate amount of homosexuals as compared to the general population, they would like nothing more than for two of their own to take up residence in the White House come January 2021.

But first came the ceremonial kissing of Reverend Al’s ass and once again, Mayor Pete was a smash hit.

Via The Daily Caller, “Sharpton Describes Buttigieg Lunch: ‘I Was Most Impressed’:

Buttigieg during a Friday morning episode of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The reverend’s comments come after he met with the South Bend, Indiana, mayor Monday for the National Action Network (NAN) Convention in New York City and a lunch of Harlem fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and collard greens. The two appeared to hit it off.

Sharpton told the “Morning Joe” panel that he thinks Buttigieg is “very impressive”:

I think he’s very impressive. I think that he’s thought out what he represents and what he wants to say. I was most impressed that he’s comfortable in his skin. I think that for anyone to ignore him or Kamala Harris, who I think had an amazing day the other day methodically breaking down the attorney general in front of the world, I think anyone that counts them out in the name of others and front-runners are only playing with themselves.

“It is going to be a different race, cause it’s a different America.

Mayor Pete already passed the first audition for Sharpton when he joined fellow candidates to jump through flaming hoops at the National Action Network convention last month where he endorsed the crazy and un-American idea of stealing money from white people who have never owned slaves to give it to blacks who had never been one.

Buttigieg has one big thing going for him and that is that as any legitimate criticism that was directed at Barack Obama was decried as racism, similar criticism will not be homophobic.

He’ll make a nice attack dog for Hillary come next year.