Chief Sitting Bull Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Female Victimhood’ Story Is A Lie Too

For years Elizabeth Warren pretended to be Native American and reaped all the benefits of victimhood. That came to an end when she took a DNA test and had to admit that she’s actually a white woman. She is still however a woman and used that to gain sympathy as she did many times telling a story about how she was fired from her first teaching job for being pregnant. Much easier than DNA testing, a simple board of education transcript showed that she was lying about this too.

Here’s a story Warren has been telling on the campaign trail about how she always wanted to be a teacher, but was fired from her first job for being a woman:

“I loved it, and I would probably still be doing it today but back in the day, before unions, the principal, by the time we got to the end of the first year, I was visibly pregnant. And the principal did what principals did in those days: they wished you luck, showed you the door, and hired someone else for the job. And there went my dream,” said Warren.

She told this story again:

Warren’s demeanor when she spoke at Laney College on Friday was natural and unassuming as she recounted her early life and her career: teaching disadvantaged children, studying law, and teaching business and banking law at the university level. Getting fired from her job teaching children by a male principal for being visibly pregnant. Running for office; winning her Senate seat.

And again at the last democratic debate:

“And I made it as a special needs teacher. I still remember that first year as a special needs teacher. I could tell you what those babies looked like. I had 4- to 6-year-olds. But at the end of that first year, I was visibly pregnant. And back in the day, that meant that the principal said to me — wished me luck and hired someone else for the job,” Warren said.

OK, you get the idea: Elizabeth Warren claims she was fired from her first teaching job because men are pigs. Before you start sobbing too hard for this poor victim of the patriarchy, The Washington Free Beacon has something you might want to see:

The Riverdale Board of Education approved a second-year teaching contract for a young Elizabeth Warren, documents show, contradicting the Democratic presidential candidate’s repeated claims that she was asked not to return to teaching after a single year because she was “visibly pregnant.”

Minutes of an April 21, 1971, Riverdale Board of Education meeting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show that the board voted unanimously on a motion to extend Warren a “2nd year” contract for a two-days-per-week teaching job. That job is similar to the one she held the previous year, her first year of teaching. Minutes from a board meeting held two months later, on June 16, 1971, indicate that Warren’s resignation was “accepted with regret.”

That couldn’t be any more clear: Elizabeth Warren was not fired for being “visibly pregnant” by a sexist male principal. She was offered a contract and turned it down.

But hang on because this isn’t the only lie going on here. Warren taught at a New Jersey School in 1971 and claims that was “back in the day, before unions” which is why the misogynist male principal was able to fire her for being visibly pregnant. The New Jersey Education Association, the state’s teacher’s union, was formed in 1853, a solid century before she claims unions didn’t exist to protect her.

If you want to have some fun, go check out any of the liberal media outlets to see if they are reporting that Elizabeth Warren lied about being fired for pregnancy or that unions didn’t exist in 1971. I can save you the trouble because they wouldn’t touch this story with a ten-foot totem pole. She may not be a minority, but she’s still a democrat and enjoys the fake news protection that comes along with that.

So poor Lizzy can’t claim victim status for being an Indian princess or a “Handmaid’s Tale” pregnant lady but she’s still ugly and skittish. Those are protected classes, aren’t they?